Role of dedicated software developers in transformation

By dbracho, 9 March, 2023

dedicated software developers


The “digital transformation” of companies seemed like a very distant concept 5 or 10 years ago. It was something from the “future”. And because that future came faster than expected, so companies have had to run to catch up with new technologies and the growing demand from users.


According to a global survey conducted by McKinsey, 9 out of 10 business leaders said their companies have pursued at least one large-scale digital transformation in the past two years. Digital transformations have been done under these three approaches: creating new digital businesses, transforming the core business with technology, and upgrading the core business technology.


In all this context, the key element is dedicated software developers. They are the ones who make all digital transformations possible, regardless of the model through which they are hired: IT Staff Augmentation, Managed Teams or remote teams.


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Steps to start with the digital transformation in a company


  • Create a strategy


If the company's leaders have already made the decision to start the digital transformation of the business, the first thing to do is identify the commercial and technological objectives, to translate this into a plan with tangible tasks that help achieve the proposed goals.


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“Digital transformation is like any other initiative: for it to be successful, you need a plan. That means figuring out the necessary inputs, identifying the strategic steps for implementation, and measuring success. More fundamentally, you need to ensure that the specific transformations you choose advance your organization's mission and vision. It's also about prioritizing. You can't say yes to everything digital at once. Pick what's most important and focus on that first", they explained in a Slack article.


  • Aligned team


Digital transformation implies changes in workflows since by adding technological tools, new ways of doing things will come. In this context, the intervention of the leaders is fundamental, since they have the responsibility of supporting the team, ensuring that they will have all the support, patience, and training necessary for them to adapt to the new way of working.


It is essential that the team agrees with this digital transformation since in this way it will be much more open to learning and adaptation. Otherwise, the team could resist the change, which could slow down workflow and put ongoing projects at risk.


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Before implementing the changes, it is recommended that you bring your entire team together to explain what will be done, what technologies will be used and how this will change and benefit the current workflow.


  • Focus on customer needs


Since you are going to start a digital transformation, take into account each of the customer's needs to put together your planning, they recommend in an article in KarbonHQ magazine. In this way, you will offer a valuable service and an exceptional user experience, which will engage your audience and increase conversions.


  • Choose the technology


It's not about picking the newest or most powerful technology. You simply have to choose the technology that best suits the needs of your business, that supports the processes that you want to reinforce and that aligns with your business objectives.


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  • Restructuring


“Today, a diminishing number of organizations operate using highly hierarchical models, in which decisions are made in a traditional top-down fashion. Instead, organizations operating in the digital business sphere have embraced loose hierarchies in which accountability lies closer to where the impact of each decision is felt. In addition, companies are shifting their focus towards results and moving away from the processes carried out to deliver those results”, they detailed in Inside magazine, backed by Deloitte.


  • Execute the plan


It is recommended that it be an iterative plan, that is, that it be executed in parts, so that the adaptation and assimilation of changes is more effective. In this way, timely adjustments can also be made on the fly, as well as continuous improvements. It is about being flexible and patient in the first weeks of changes.


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The role of dedicated developers in an enterprise digital transformation


Here are some ways software developers can play an important role in a company's digital transformation:


Development of new applications and solutions

Software developers can design and develop new applications and solutions that help the company meet its digital transformation goals. This can include eCommerce solutions, mobile apps, and automation tools, among others.


Integration of existing systems

These professionals can integrate existing systems into the company's technological infrastructure, which can help optimize and improve the efficiency of business processes. Systems integration can also help a business reduce costs and improve the user experience.


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Data analysis and management

They help the business analyze and manage large amounts of data. This may include developing data analysis algorithms, creating dashboards, and data visualization tools.


Process automation

Software developers can automate manual processes, which can help the business improve efficiency, reduce errors, and save time and resources.


Development of artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions

They can create artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions that help the company optimize business processes and improve the user experience.


In short, dedicated software developers can play an important role in the digital transformation of a company by designing and developing new applications and solutions, integrating existing systems, analyzing and managing data, automating processes, and developing AI and machine learning solutions. Their technical knowledge and skills can help the company keep up with the latest technology trends and meet its digital transformation goals.


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The role of dedicated software developers in digital transformation
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