What is the profile of a Web Developer

By lmartinez, 13 July, 2022

web developer


One of the most sought-after careers today is a web developer. This person, in simple words, is in charge of creating the mobile pages and applications with which we interact on a daily basis and are already part of our routine.


Among the various technologies, frameworks, and languages ​​that a developer typically uses are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Python, Node.js, and Java. A web content management system is often used to develop and maintain web applications.


Characteristics of a web developer


To be a successful web developer, a person must meet certain highly necessary characteristics in the current programming and computing market, see if you meet these or if the person you are going to hire for your company has them:


Must have a passion for knowledge


Technology changes daily, as do user needs. An application today is not the same as it was a year ago, so to be successful a web developer must be constantly learning, and updating the knowledge they have about the languages ​​and frameworks they handle in order to stay current in the market.


As new versions of languages, libraries, and frameworks are implemented, it is expected that you will not only be aware of these changes but also be a subject matter expert within your company.


Being able to work as a team


In Truity they explain why this personality trait is important in a web developer “A web developer rarely works alone. Good software is usually created by a full development team made up of many dynamic roles. Being able to take on a team mentality can be critical to the success of a project.” In addition to this, you must have the ability to lead the team in the event of a meeting with a client.


Be able to solve problems quickly and effectively


Developing a code from scratch is not an easy task, so a successful web developer must make things work, find a way to create a dynamic and effective page for the end user, as well as be able to adequately solve any problem that arises. in the path. You must eliminate the phrase “it can't be done” from your mind and maintain a positive attitude in the face of all challenges.




Writing programming code is a complicated process, the slightest mistake or carelessness can damage the entire page and delay the project, so it is vital for a web developer to approach the work with patience and caution, analyzing each line of code that You will write and plan the entire structure of the project before you start. You must complete the structure and get approval from the leader or client before you begin writing.


Debugging skills


Truity experts explained this skill in detail “Writing and developing code is only part of a web developer's job. They are also expected to identify the root of a problem quickly and efficiently. Instead of spending hours blindly making changes, developers should have a solid grasp of the variety of web development tools provided by modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.”


Ability to face defeat


A bug in the code of an application or website is very common during the development of a project, so a good developer must have the ability to recover quickly and be able to face the problem and thus continue moving forward. Silicon Valley pundits use mantras like "Fail Fast," "Fail Better," and "Fail Ahead" to refer to this process and keep moving forward, seeking constant improvement.


web developer


Profile of a web developer and his duties


As previously mentioned, a web developer is in charge of designing and creating the pages and applications with which we interact on a daily basis. They are responsible for the appearance of the site, its usability, technical aspects, performance, and the ability to satisfy the user. They must also ensure the speed and effectiveness of the site.


Among his most important duties are:


  • Talk to clients or leaders to be clear about the needs of the website
  • Create the applications for this site and test them to verify that they work correctly
  • Write the necessary lines of code using programming languages, such as HTML
  • Work closely with other members of the development team to determine the best website design
  • Add to this website the necessary graphics, audio, and videos to improve the user experience
  • Maintain constant monitoring of traffic on the website and ensure that it works properly


At Rootstack we have a team of experts in website creation and design ready to offer the solution that your company needs in terms of technology, to have a dynamic and effective website focused on its users and thus increase the company's productivity.


Do not hesitate to contact us so that together we can work towards a prosperous technological future.


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What is the profile of a Web Developer: what are its characteristics?
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