5 advantages of outsourcing companies in Panama

By dbracho, 25 October, 2021


Although all companies want to grow, be more productive and increase sales, it is also true that not many have these possibilities due to lack of budget and qualified personnel. To evolve, we need employees who are trained with the latest technologies and a budget to invest in equipment, training, and acquisition of our technological tools.


But one option that many small, medium, and large companies are turning to today is outsourcing. Through this strategy, they have managed to strengthen their In-House teams, being able to inject experienced professionals and accelerating the development of their most specialized and urgent software projects, at a cost adjusted to their budget.


Outsourcing Panamá characteristics


What is outsourcing? In theory, it consists of hiring external personnel to carry out certain tasks or jobs in your company, for a specific period. An example of software outsourcing can be a software engineer who works remotely on one of your projects or who joins your In-House team momentarily to solve some issues that exist.




Which companies use outsourcing? For example, according to a report by Insider Monkey, shared by the Capital Counselor portal, IBM, one of the largest technology companies in the industry, is also one of those that has adopted outsourcing the most to carry out its operations and projects. . There are currently more than 300 people working externally for this technology multinational whose headquarters are in New York.


Look at these outsourcing examples: About 37% of small businesses are hiring outsourcing services to handle the tasks of departments such as HR and IT, according to Clutch, to organize the flow of routine tasks from these departments. This allows the work team to focus on central tasks within the company, focusing on offering better service to the public.


Likewise, 24% of small companies hire outsourcing services to increase efficiency in their businesses, according to Clutch, while others also do it to save costs and invest in a controlled manner in the projects they want to develop.


Advantages of oursourcing in Panama


In recent years, Central America has become a pioneer in offering technology services to clients around the world. While a few years ago they only offered maintenance and technical support services, now they offer a range of more advanced tools that has caught the attention of many large companies.




Outsourcing in Panama is becoming more attractive because US companies, for example, prefer to hire service providers with a time zone like theirs, explains a Forbes article on this topic.


Panama is within the top 100 of "The most important cities to outsource in the world", created by the research firm Tholons, so it is worth evaluating the providers of this country and their offer of technology services.


Among the most attractive characteristics of outsourcing in Panama are:


Experienced workmanship and low cost compared to other countries


Dell's vice president for the Multi-Country Latin America region, Gustavo Ripoll, trusts Central America as one of the most promising regions in the technology industry. "We consider Central America an attractive region, however, it needs to develop in innovation, so it requires technology," he said in a past interview reviewed on the LaRepublica.net portal. Just as this company is relying on Central American talent, many more companies are hiring professionals from the region.



Bilingual professionals


“Central America has a close connection with North America and many of the transnational corporations that have settled in the region are owned by the United States, even though the percentage of the bilingual population is not the highest in Latin America. According to data from the level index in English carried out by Education First (EF EPI), three of the four Central American countries participating in the study are located at the bottom of the list”, Panama being one of these countries, explained an article on the Legiscomex portal.


Remarkable technological growth


According to Arias Hofman, executive director of the innovation laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Central America has been experiencing a process of transformation and technological growth accelerated by the situation of the pandemic, which digitized many aspects of the lives of citizens.

Are you looking for outsourcing companies in Panama? At Rootstack, we have more than 10 years helping our clients in their digital transformation, implementing the most modern technologies to create the most powerful technological solutions. Let's talk!

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