Key benefits of marketing automation with Mautic

By dbracho, 21 October, 2021

mautic email marketing

A company that is not currently using a marketing automation tool, like Mautic email marketing, is simply wasting valuable time and resources in their business. That slow and tedious marketing workflow can be dramatically streamlined if they just automate the most routine tasks, clearing the day's schedule for more strategic planning and analysis tasks.


Precisely Acquia Mautic has become one of the most used marketing automation platforms by companies: today, more than 200 thousand businesses have implemented this open-source marketing automation software to boost their businesses and email campaigns. And is that, through these platforms, not only is the team freed from routine tasks, but they also allow the design of campaigns to attract more leads, increase sales and strengthen customer service.


According to Invespcro estimates, reviewed by the Spiralytics portal, 4 out of 5 users increased their leads after implementing marketing automation software and 77% had an increase in conversions. In addition, the use of these tools meant an increase in sales productivity of 14.5% and a reduction of 12.2% in marketing expenses. Mautic email marketing platform is a great opportunity to make grow your business.


What is Mautic email marketing software and why is it so popular?


More than 1,000 Mautic developers around the world make this software an efficient and versatile marketing automation platform, flexible enough to be tailored to the needs of the company that implements it. Being available in more than 35 languages, it is very easy to use it from anywhere in the world, as there are no language or other barriers.


mautic email marketing


Mautic started with a single approach: Equality. The Mautic community believes in giving each person the power to understand, manage and grow their business or organization. Mautic is focused on helping this belief become a reality by putting powerful marketing automation software in the hands of everyone”, explains Mautic on his website about the platform.


The advantage of Mautic email marketing software is that it opens the way to the automation not only of email campaigns but also of the entire digital experience that customers and users have with the company. It allows qualifying potential customers in the company's CRM "based on user activity throughout their customer journey," Mautic explained on his website. Also, is easy to work with Mautic API thanks to the extensive documentation.


In addition, the integration capacity that Mautic email marketing platform offers is amazing, being able to connect your business platforms with this software without major problems. In the end, what the companies that implement Mautic achieve is the streamlining of their digital campaigns, minimizing work time, and increasing productivity, while strengthening their relationship with customers.


Read more: Dedicated Software Development Team: what is it and what are its advantages


How to use Mautic email marketing software? From this platform you can:


  • Create the Mautic campaigns and set a goal for each one
  • Define the segment or group to which they will be directed
  • Determine the number of Mautic emails and the content of each one
  • Allows you to create forms and landing pages
  • Define the answer according to the action of the prospect
  • Download Mautic reports analyzing your operations.


software development


Mautic email marketing software benefits


Before looking for a Mautic course or installing Mautic in your company, review these benefits and functionalities that you will find in this software:


Contact list management


Contact management could be a headache for any company, especially those that are medium or large as they handle a greater volume of data. It is impossible to manually handle all this information or to review each one of the contacts one by one to modify some characteristic. Through Mautic, any company can easily manage contacts in an automated and streamlined way. This is just one of the benefits of marketing automation platforms.




Contact segmentation


And continuing with the theme of contacts, through the Mautic segmentation tool, each company can easily create different audience segments based on the behavior of the contacts and their interests. This allows you to customize the campaigns according to the group of people to whom they are directed.




Prospect appraisal


Tracking the behavior of prospects is essential to analyze and determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and this is something that can also be done from Mautic.


Mautic CRM integrations


By allowing integration with different platforms, such as CRM systems, Mautic can automatically have all the customer, contact and sales data it needs to consolidate marketing campaigns. In this way, the user only has to enter the data into the CRM, since it will automatically be reflected in the Mautic interface. Marketing automation CRM is one of the most demanded services today.


mautic email marketing


Personalized experiences


Mautic templates facilitate the creation of marketing campaign emails by offering different templates that can be customized to the needs of your company. It allows you to build attractive content not only by adding text but also photos and hyperlinks, showing a totally dynamic content. And if you wish, you can also build your own email templates from scratch, being a fairly versatile platform.




Scalable and flexible


You can install Mautic email marketing platform on your own server, being totally flexible and scalable, adapting to the size of your company and your current and future needs. Being an open-source marketing automation software, it is constantly growing and updating, so you can be assured that you are using a modern platform. Mautic documentation is quite complete and is available to all users.


The implementation of Mautic will mark a before and after in the marketing and sales department of your company. It will change the mindset of the entire team, since they will be able to automate the management of email campaigns while they dedicate much more to data analysis for the planning of more effective strategies.


Interested in a marketing automation platform like Mautic? Let's talk! With our more than 10 years of experience, we have the tools to help you.


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