Selecting your nearshore outsourcing software company

By Anonymous (not verified), 7 August, 2018

nearshore outsourcing software


Nearshore outsourcing is the right way to go when looking to improve your software development. It’s an affordable, smart and quick solution that will allow you, as a company, to focus on other tasks or important aspects of your business.


However, before you make the jump and transition from doing the software development process yourself and resource to a nearshore outsourcing software, you need to take the time to know read about the top factors that could influence your choice.


nearshore outsourcing

Why choosing nearshore outsourcing services

You might already know this, but there are different types of outsourcing softwares. There’s onshore, offshore and of course nearshore outsourcing development, being the last one the best option amongst the three of us.


Trusting the process of creating, developing and testing a software to a third party, company or group allows you the liberty to really focus on other things, while knowing your software will be in the right hands. Nearshore outsourcing software offers you the option to work alongside a highly qualified team that lives relative close to you, for a much lower price than you would usually be spending for a onshore outsourcing software.


Top factors to keep in mind

1: Costs

This type of outsourcing software is well known for being affordable, however, it is time to ask yourself what does affordable really means, and if the costs adjust your company’s budget.


The key to find the right nearshore outsourcing software is to look for a good balance between price and quality. That way, you know you are getting your money’s worth for every penny invested in this kind of outsourcing.


Don’t make your choice based solemnly in low costs. Pick the option that balances work quality-time spent and price the better. Sometimes, going for the cheapest option isn’t really the smartest move to make.


2: Time zones

When working with nearshore outsourcing you’ll be interacting with a team from other country near you. Yes, they will be nearby, but that doesn’t necessarily means you will be in the same time zone.


Before signing any contract, make completely sure to ask about the different time zones and be realistic whether or not they can work. If you and the nearshore outsourcing company are nearby and share the exact same time zone, great. If not, ask them if they could adapt to your time zone and still deliver a great, high quality job.


Remember the success of the outcome won’t depend on you both having the same time zones, but on the nearshore outsourcing software team compromising to adapt to your work hours.

nearshore outsourcing software

3: Language

The great thing about globalization is that most people living in other countries are qualified to speak, write and understand the english language, meaning you can contract with any nearshore outsourcing software even if they’re living in a country close to you that doesn’t speak english as their first language.


Keep in mind, the communication should be both fluid and easy going for a remote job like this to work out. Therefore, make sure they can communicate clearly with you, without having any misconceptions.


4: Technology access

A remote job like nearshore outsourcing relays havely on the team or company you are contracting having inmediat and constant access to technology. By technology it meas:


- Access to internet.

- Access to a laptop or computer.

- Access to a clean working space.


These are just some examples. The point we want to get across is that whatever nearshore outsourcing software you choose to work with, should have a constant access to all the needed tools they’ll need in order to proceed and deliver a good job.

nearshore outsourcing software

5: Talent and skills

Last, but definitely not least, do your research about the country the nearshore outsourcing software is from. Check their reputation and studies background to make sure the country or region is known for having talented or skilled workers.


This is to help you out deciding on which company really is the best option for your company. Taking a look at the education levels of each country will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not the people are educated/skilled enough to actually help your business reach its goals.


The question here isn’t whether opting for a nearshore outsourcing software is the right choice or not, because it is. The real matter here relies on keeping a certain standard level before selecting your final choice.


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