Why work with a US Nearshore software company?

By dbracho, 25 October, 2021


The lack of experienced tech professionals is a reality. True, there are many software engineers and developers in the technology industry, but how many with the experience to carry out ambitious projects? It is unfortunate when a company has to stop developing a project because its In-House IT team does not have the necessary skills to continue or to solve the problems that have arisen.


There are many companies in the world that are in this situation, especially due to the rapid advance of the digitization of the most daily activities and services. The demand for software engineers and developers grew considerably and that is when Nearshore Outsourcing enters the equation to save the game.


What is Nearshore Outsourcing and why is it useful for companies?


When we talk about Nearshore Outsourcing we mean hiring a software company or technology service provider close to the country where the company is located. For example, a Canadian company that hires developers in the United States. It is a situation that brings many advantages, since both countries share the same language and similar time zones, so the employment relationship must flow smoothly.




That is one of the main attractions of Nearshore Outsourcing: since it allows you to find expert developers and engineers near the country where your company is located, at an accessible price that fits your budget and the size of the project.


Precisely, another problem that Nearshore software development solves is the issue of high development costs. Many times hiring engineers in the company's country of origin generates very high expenses. Nearshore development is usually very efficient and of quality, with an unbeatable and highly attractive investment.


In such a changing reality, adaptation is essential for companies. In that case, the agile Nearshore development applied by many providers completely transforms the reality of business, increasing their productivity and improving their performance for the future.




“Nearshore outsourcing may be the right option for your company if you are looking to augment your internal team on agile projects. In this type of project, constant communication between the members of the project team is the basis of the development process and can mean the difference between a successful project and a failed one”, explained the specialized portal Clutch in this regard.


Why look for a Nearshore development company:


  • Decrease expenses in hiring direct personnel
  • Down the taxes
  • Increase the flexibility of the In-House work team
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Solve the lack of personnel with special skills


Reasons to work with a Nearshore development company in USA


There are several countries that are offering an excellent nearshore development service, such as Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico and Canada, just to give a few examples. But hiring a Nearshore Outsourcing company in the United States can also be a perfect option for your business and we explain the reasons.


Specialized talent and very complete skills


According to the Global Services Location Index ranking, the United States ranks sixth as one of the most attractive countries to find professionals specializing in technology. It stands out for concentrating a high number of engineers with varied skills and immediate availability to adapt to any project.




Language and time zone


English is the universal language, the language of business… and also the dominant language in the technology industry. It is essential that any Nearshore development company have engineers who handle this language perfectly and what better if you hire a provider in the United States. This ensures that the engineer you hire will understand exactly what your requirement is.


Investing in research and development


The United States is one of the great powers in the world thanks to the fact that it always works to keep up with the new technologies on the market. According to figures from the World Bank, spending on research and development in this country was 2.80% of Gross Domestic Product, a very important percentage to keep the technology industry always at the forefront.


By working hand in hand with a Nearshore development company in the United States, you will have access to experienced software engineers trained with the most advanced technologies, who will inject not only agility into your business and your projects, but will also raise the quality of your work. and service to the public.


At Rootstack, we have more than 10 years helping companies around the world in their digital transformation. We work with clients from the United States and Canada, let's talk!

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Why work with a US Nearshore software company?
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