Nearshore development in Austin: developer skills

By dbracho, 28 December, 2022

nearshore development austin


Companies around the world are constantly looking for ways to make their businesses more productive, efficient, and profitable. Through different tools and software solutions, they have been able to digitize many of their operations and flows, which has transformed the business flow. That's why nearshore development in Austin has become so important because this city is home to many of the best software developers from around the world.


In 2022, companies spent 11% more on enterprise software development, equivalent to US$675 billion, according to Statista data.


“Many sub-segments of enterprise software, such as business process management (BPM) software, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, and customer relationship management (CRM) software, have become mass markets by own right”, explained the statistical firm in one of its reports.


Why has nearshore development in Austin become so important?


Austin is the capital of Texas, the second most populous state in the United States. That makes it one of the most important and strategic states in that country. Regarding the area of technology, many classify Texas as the new "Silicon Valley", due to the boost that technology projects have had in this state and particularly in Austin. Read more about nearshore development in Austin in 2023.


nearshore development austin


Many Austin nearshore development companies work and offer their services comfortably, without any complications, such as Oracle, HP, Google, Cisco and even Tesla. Also, being on the border with Mexico, businessmen can take advantage of the best of both countries.


Nearshore development in Austin is also very attractive because of the low taxes and flexible regulations that, at the business level, are very beneficial.


In addition, Texas is already one of the most technological states in the United States: the University of Texas is a pioneer and has a world-renowned department of computer science.



nearshore development austin



Skills from nearshore developers in Austin that will benefit your business


  • Language


Nearshore development companies in Austin often have bilingual software developers, being located on the US-Mexico border. This means that they adapt very well to all kinds of projects, whether with Spanish or English-speaking companies. Learn more about soft-skills of software developers.


  • Programming languages


Being Austin, Texas, the new “Silicon Valley”, engineers from nearshore development companies are trained to handle all kinds of technologies and programming languages. These developers are constantly working on innovating and upgrading their skills.


nearshore development austin


  • Data structure and algorithms

This is the priority of many companies looking for software developers and you will find this skill in nearshore development in Austin. These engineers manage and organize data very well and create solutions to solve the most pressing problems.


  • Source control


Nearshore developers in Austin are proficient in version control tools like Git, Mercurial, SVN, and more. It is important since with these tools they can organize and manage the source code in a more efficient way.


The digital solutions that we can create for your company


nearshore development austin


  • Databases


A developer's knowledge of databases is essential when creating applications and systems: Austin nearshore development companies know the operations linked to databases, such as storing records, creating, inserting, updating, deleting data, among other operations.


  • Experience with testing


In the world of software development, it's not only important to build amazing platforms, but also to run appropriate tests to check the software's functionality, verify that it's bug-free, and make any necessary adjustments to deliver the best end-user experience.


nearshore development austin


Do you need a nearshore development company in Austin? At Rootstack we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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Nearshore development in Austin: developer skills that benefit your business
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