Key benefits of a decoupled architecture

By Anonymous (not verified), 25 October, 2016

In today's market, where the competition in each market segment to obtain and maintain customers is increasingly complex, having a business or corporate website is a must.




Many experts refer to the corporate website as the epicenter of the efforts of marketing, branding, and generating new sales opportunities, as well as the starting point for the growth and global exposure of the product or service.


Now, taking into account the need for a corporate website, I want to expose the 2nd biggest benefit, after the invention of the CMS / CMF, which is based on "Decoupled Architecture".


In simpler terms, a decoupled architecture refers to the separation of the Back-end with the Front-end of your website.


Note: If your current website is not decoupled and is based in Drupal, you can refer to the following information as to understand how to decouple a project in Drupal.


But... What benefits will provide this type of architecture to my organization?


Below I describe some key benefits to consider when evaluating whether to implement this type of architecture, as it is more expensive than traditional architecture.


- Management experience


With traditional architecture, one has to evaluate and study the changes in appearance, design or the message to be transmitted through the user experience, since factors such as lack of resources (monetary or human) and time, directly affect them. But with a decoupled architecture, these limitations are minimized, since the changes would be made only in the front-end.


- Flexibility


Very similar to the previous point, the decision for a comprehensive re-design of the website becomes a huge commitment of time and resources; however, when the website is built with a decoupled architecture, there is greater flexibility to update the back-end technology or to update the design and create new experiences independently from each other.




- Extreme efficiency in publishing content


A decoupled architecture requires core Web services to provide data for the front-end, managing to push content to other places in an easier way. This is relevant because once content is published in an article, it may be available for use in many different places, including mobile applications, IOT devices, Feeds, etc.


- Business intelligence remains intact


As a last factor, which I think is the most important of all, it is that the business intelligence is not affected by changes you want to do on the corporate website. This is because all this intelligence is developed on the back-end of the company and allows you to make as many changes/tests, without affecting the business logic.


In conclusion, when a decoupled architecture is used to separate the front and back ends, the door opens to a wide variety of potential programming languages and design philosophies to achieve your goals. This means that the options are unlimited, so your team can create anything they can imagine.


In general, the uncoupled architecture is a concept that is gaining popularity through the development community, taking into account the benefits and potential growth and which allows the investment of your corporate website to be protected against rapid evolution and technological innovation.


Are you ready to start your next decoupled project? If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.


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Key benefits of a decoupled architecture
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