Java: Tips for developing with this language

By lmartinez, 21 September, 2022



Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It has evolved from humble beginnings to power much of today's digital world, providing the trusted platform on which to build. They build many services and applications.


Simply put, Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented, web-centric language. It is very popular among software engineers and is also widely used as a computing platform.


Tips for better development with Java


As one of the most popular languages, Java has millions of experts around the world working with it to create the best applications and websites. With these five tips, you can speed up and improve your work.




When creating applications with Java, it is recommended to speed up the process with the use of creation tools such as Ant, Maven, and Gradle. Of these three options, Maven is the most popular as it allows you to download remote dependencies and perform manual tasks automatically, such as copying files, clearing cache, and injecting properties.


Be clear about the difference between Array and ArrayList


Java developers need to choose whether to use an Array or ArrayList data structure as each has its specific characteristics, for example, Array has a fixed size while ArrayList can resize as needed which makes it easier to change items.


The interface is better than abstract class


At UpStackHQ they recommend that “Java does not have multiple inheritances, but the user interface makes it easy to implement multiple inheritances without using the extended keyword. If things don't go as planned, you always need an interface. An abstract class doesn't give you the freedom to have multiple modes, but they do have abstract methods.


Unit and integration tests


A unit test will allow the developer to identify bugs in the software that are a consequence of changes in the source code. Among the most recommended technologies for this type of testing are: Junit, TestNG, AspectJ, AssertJ, Mockito and PowerMock.


Encode in JSON


As an alternative to XML, JSON can be used by the Java developer, it is easier to learn and offers an applicable syntax for storing and exchanging data, as well as being quite lightweight. JSON helps you encode a typical data structure and then it can be shared across websites. Before you can start writing any code, you need to install a JSON parser.


Development using Java will now be easier and faster by making use of these tips. At Rootstack we have a team of Next.js experts who have been able to solve technical problems for our international clients.


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Java tips: five tips for developing with this programming language
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