Java development services: what a provider can offer you

By lmartinez, 2 November, 2022



When a company, whatever the industry in which it works, decides to hire a software development agency, it has several solutions at its disposal that can help it carry out that technological project that it so much needs to increase its production and facilitate the work of its collaborators. internal. This project may require Java development services.


Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It has evolved from humble beginnings to power much of today's digital world, providing the trusted platform on which to build. They build many services and applications.


Simply put, Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented, web-centric language. It is very popular among software engineers and is also widely used as a computing platform. With the help of Java development services, companies can harness the power of Java to create robust and scalable solutions for their technological projects.


Java development services: what can a provider offer you


When the client decides to hire an external software agency for Java development services, they do so thinking about solving a specific technological problem that their company has, so it is not a decision that should be taken lightly.


A software agency must offer effective solutions that adjust to modern trends in programming and technology, in addition to working hand in hand with the client in possible updates and bug fixes that arise along the way.


As one of the leading software companies in Latin America, our Java developers are creative, innovative, and experts in their fields. We are prepared to meet your needs, going the extra mile to give the best results for your project.


java development services


These qualities characterize our Java web development team:


  • Clear and fluid communication
  • Working hard
  • Proactivity
  • Looking for creative solutions
  • Have an "I'll find a way" attitude
  • Never give up


Among the most outstanding solutions that a Java development services can offer are:


Application development on the Android operating system
Creation of business software to manage the internal processes of a company.
Mobile applications developed with Java for different uses in the market.
Scientific computing-type applications
Big data analytics
Programming for hardware devices
Use of java for technologies that work on the server side, such as; Apache, JBoss, and GlassFish.

These solutions are the most sought after by companies that decide to hire Java development services to help them create a technological project that serves to boost productivity and enter the world of the Internet and social networks.


java development services


Services offered by a Java development company


In addition to the solutions mentioned above, there are three basic services that you will see reflected in every Java development company and we are going to explain them to you one by one.


IT Staff Augmentation


This is one of the most common, it is present in all software development agencies. It refers to the hiring of an outsourced team of experts to take charge of the creation of the technological project that the client needs, in addition to being aware of the proper functioning of the software once created, relevant updates, and the correction of errors that may occur in the middle of the road.


Managed Teams


The Managed Teams service consists of delegating the management and development of a project to an outsourcing team, taking advantage of the experience of highly specialized professionals. At the same time, internal employees are engaged in more essential organizational tasks. The advantage of hiring a dedicated development team is that you will be totally focused on the project that has been delegated to you, executing the tasks faster and completing the development in record time, without delays.


Project-Based Model Service


Our website offers a clear explanation of this type of service “By developing a project with the Project-Based Model service, you have the opportunity to have access to experienced professionals and experts, who will inject quality and status into your company and the product. that you are developing. And you will only achieve this quality by investing in the service and not in the technologies themselves, which would undoubtedly be much more expensive”.


At Rootstack we are experts in Java, we have used this programming language to develop various websites, and mobile applications and in different projects hand in hand with our international clients. If you want to know even more about our projects and trajectory, contact us and we will immediately schedule a meeting.


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Java development services: what a provider can offer you
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