Maximize the ROI of your company with IT Staffing

By dbracho, 23 March, 2023

it staff augmentation


Companies are concerned with ROI because it allows them to assess the efficiency and profitability of their investments. By maximizing ROI, companies can increase their profitability and generate greater value for their shareholders.


Furthermore, ROI also helps companies make informed decisions about their future investments. By measuring the ROI of an investment, companies can determine whether a specific investment has been profitable and is worth continuing to invest in.


Maximizing ROI means finding ways to increase revenue and reduce costs, and in that case, an IT Staff Augmentation team in Texas can be a great help in helping companies meet their goals.


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Why is it important to maximize ROI?

Helps make more informed financial decisions: ROI is a valuable tool for comparing different investment options and choosing the most profitable one.


  • Increase profitability

Maximizing ROI involves finding ways to increase revenue and reduce costs, which can help improve the profitability of a business or investment.


  • Increases investor confidence

Investors often look for opportunities that offer attractive ROI, so maximizing ROI can attract more investors and increase their investment confidence.


  • Helps measure the success of an investment

ROI is a way to measure the effectiveness of an investment and determine whether set financial goals have been met.


it Staff Augmentation


How does an IT Staff Augmentation team help improve ROI?

It is known that today there is a lot of demand for software developers, but not many companies can afford to hire them directly due to budget constraints. They want the highest quality for your project but, at the same time, they cannot invest in hiring full-time resources.


In this scenario, it is that hiring an IT Staff Augmentation team becomes a very valuable option, since it provides experienced professionals, paying for their temporary services -by the hour-, which allows businesses to better manage the budget and pay only for the work performed by the resources.


"An IT staff augmentation team allows companies to save up to 50% of the cost of in-house hiring, while maintaining high quality standards," they comment in a Jobsity report entitled "Hiring In-house vs Outsourced Developers ”.


They also note the following in that report:


- Hiring the services of IT Staff Augmentation can prevent you from falling into a long and expensive hiring process.
- Instead of waiting months for a hire to materialize, with IT Staff Augmentation the process can take as little as a couple of weeks.
- Many small and medium-sized companies do not have enough experience to analyze the resumes of developers, which an IT Staff Augmentation company does, so it can provide the best profiles to its client's project.


it Staff Augmentation


Tips to maximize the ROI of your business with IT Staff Augmentation

Identify business goals

Before adding an IT staff augmentation team, it is important to be clear about the business objectives that are sought to be achieved. By having clear goals, you can clearly define the technical requirements and skills needed in the IT team.


“Every project needs at least one objective. Or multiple targets. Defining them clearly can be one of the most beneficial things you can do during your software development project. A fuzzy objective can lead to fuzzy results and it is the least desired in a software project”, they commented on the matter in the book “Quality Software Project Management”.


Define roles and responsibilities

Once the business objectives have been identified, it is important to define the roles and responsibilities of the members of the IT staff augmentation team. This will help maximize team efficiency and ensure that each member is working in her area of expertise.


"The implementation of appropriate roles and responsibilities is one of the most successful strategies to increase the effectiveness of a software development team", they pointed out in research done at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, in Sweden.


Measure team performance

To maximize ROI, it's important to regularly measure team performance. This will allow you to identify areas for improvement and adjust the strategy as necessary.


it Staff Augmentation


Provide training and development

Training and development is important to keep the IT staff augmentation team current and improve their efficiency. Investment in training and development can lead to an improvement in the quality of work and therefore an increase in ROI.


“An additional benefit is that the expertise of the IT Staff Augmentation team is often transferred to an organization's internal staff. This can happen informally in daily assignments and submissions, or through potlucks and more formal classes taught by staff augmentation staff", they delimited in an article on the Microassist portal.


Constantly evaluate the cost-benefit

It is important to regularly assess the cost-benefit of IT staff augmentation. If the costs outweigh the benefits, a different strategy may need to be considered to maximize ROI.


Most common mistakes when wanting to maximize ROI

As much as you instruct yourself on how to maximize ROI with the IT Staff Augmentation service, no one is exempt from making mistakes. Here we will talk about the most frequent:


1. Not knowing your market or your competition

You have to ask yourself who is the audience you want to reach and what can you do to attract and retain them. You must also constantly evaluate what the competition is doing, what their strengths and weaknesses are to know how to take advantage of all this data when creating your own business strategies, they indicated in a 2600Hz whitepaper.


it Staff Augmentation


2. Not knowing your margins

"A good practice is to look at the profit margins of each contract, as this can help the company to remain competitive in terms of prices and the additional offers that it can offer," they added in the same article.


3. Not knowing the buying cycle

“Another critical, but often overlooked, aspect of ensuring your business is profitable is establishing a consistent and clear billing cycle. From the moment the client signs the contract, how long does it take until the money actually reaches the bank account?", they delimited in the whitepaper, an important aspect for the company's accounts to be in order.


Maximizing ROI with an IT staff augmentation team can be an important step to improve the efficiency and profitability of a company. By having clear objectives, defining roles and responsibilities, measuring team performance, providing training and development, and constantly evaluating the cost-benefit, companies can ensure that the IT staff augmentation team is working efficiently and generating a positive return. 


Maximizing ROI with an IT staff augmentation team can lead to an improvement in the quality of work and, ultimately, to greater success in the company's business objectives.


Do you need an IT Staff Augmentation team in Texas? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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