IT Staff Augmentation vs dedicated development team

By dbracho, 28 April, 2022

dedicated development team


Software partners are more than capable of solving any problem or need that companies have today. They have the necessary technology, equipment, and expertise, but many times companies do not know what kind of service is best suited to their particular situation. Choosing between IT Staff Augmentation or dedicated development teams, for example, can be confusing and complicated if you don't know very well what each service is about.


When should you choose IT Staff Augmentation for your business?


Then the following question arises: In what situation should a company be to hire the IT Staff Augmentation service? Let's start by defining what it is: when we talk about IT Staffing, we refer to the temporary hiring of a software team to support a company in a certain project, or in a specific task. To reinforce the local team, inject quality and experience.


It is a very effective strategy when you need certain skills for a limited time, so you do not have to hire a software team indefinitely but for as long as you need it. It's also a way to streamline recruiting and temporary hiring since that's handled by the service provider, not your company.


In addition, when working with an IT Staffing team there is no kind of geographical limitation since this staff is usually working remotely, so businesses should not invest in infrastructure or set up an extra office for this team.


Staff Augmentation


You need IT Staff Augmentation if:


  • If you want to expand the team of engineers and developers in your business to work on another part of the product they are creating. If you need them on board as quickly as possible, ideally through IT Staff Augmentation, a Daxx article explained.
  • You need a certain ability or skill that your local team does not have to follow the development of the project. IT Staffing providers have a wide experience and contact base to get the staff you need.
  • You require experienced staff, whom you do not have to train to do their job. The engineers and developers that come in the IT Staffing teams are trained and have the experience to start working immediately on any project.


While the local team of the companies is usually dedicated to multiple projects, tasks and responsibilities, this IT Staff Augmentation team that you hire will be 100% dedicated to the tasks of the project that you assign. This will make software development much faster and more efficient. 


The provider of the remote team is in charge of organizing the office or work spaces of this team, completely freeing the company that is hiring it. The provider also takes care of all the Human Resources tasks and payment procedures, administrative tasks that are time-consuming and can be somewhat cumbersome.


You must be clear as a company that you will always have control of the product that is being developed, giving the necessary guidelines to both the local team and the remote IT Staffing team. Although they are remote, this team integrates perfectly with yours, being oneself.


Staff Augmentation


When should you hire the dedicated development team service?


If the IT Staff Augmentation modality is based on hiring temporary staff to join your local team, this changes when we talk about dedicated development teams. And it is that it consists of hiring an autonomous team that is in charge of the development of your project from start to finish, following the guidelines of the company that hires them.


"Dedicated development teams work with more effective decision-making practices that combine the consideration of more points of view, a more natural collaboration and move towards action to eliminate obstacles and stay focused on results," explains an article on the BetterUp portal.


Among the main advantages that companies find when hiring dedicated development teams is their ability to respond to complex project situations, act quickly and adapt to circumstances. As they are highly trained and experienced professionals, they know how to react to unexpected events that arise in software development.


Managed Services


With a software development team, you can start the development of your software immediately, since the provider has all the necessary profiles to work. These teams have qualified supervision.


You need a dedicated development team if:


  • You want to develop a project quickly and efficiently, without delays or setbacks. This managed team will focus 100% on creating your product, reporting progress every step of the way.
  • If you are a CTO and you do not have enough time to get involved in the development of a product, you can delegate this responsibility to a dedicated software development team, freeing up your schedule and dedicating yourself to more tasks of supervision and strategies.
  • When you need to save costs, working with a dedicated development team “can help reduce overall costs, as the company may need to hire fewer managers to oversee those teams. The organization may then have additional funds to allocate to other projects or resources,” an Indeed article reviewed.


Tips when evaluating a dedicated development team


We know that it can be a bit scary to hand over your project to an external team, but have the confidence that you will be working with experienced professionals who will give everything for your project.


dedicated development team


However, evaluate these aspects of the team to ensure that the employment relationship will be successful:


Make sure all members work as a team


It may sound paradoxical, but many times teams do not work as a team, because someone wants to stand out from the other or collaboration does not occur in such a harmonious way. Make sure that each element of the team knows how to communicate assertively and that everyone works according to the common goal, the creation of your product.


Communication is good


Now that we are talking about communication, identify the communication channels that you use to work. Make sure that communication is effective between everyone in the software development team to convey the most important aspects of the project and that no aspect is left behind by confused communication.


dedicated development team



Review team performance


"It's a good idea to review the performance of your development teams over time to help ensure they meet project goals," Indeed emphasized, noting that one way to measure that performance is by reviewing progress every few weeks or months. depending on the scope of the project.


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