Myths about IT Staff Augmentation that we clarify here

By dbracho, 16 May, 2022



Companies have found in the IT Staff Augmentation service an alternative to fill those personnel gaps they have in their teams. Through this type of work, they can subcontract professionals on a temporary basis, to support the development of specific projects or cover an urgent need.


If you are a business that has already tried this service, you know what we are talking about and you have verified the benefits it brings to the processes. But if you are still one of those unbelievers who have little faith in IT Staff Augmentation, this article is for you since we are going to clarify those myths about this service.


Dispelling the myths about IT Staff Augmentation


We will talk to you from our experience and perspective about hiring IT Staff Augmentation and the myths that have grown around this type of work.


It is more expensive?


One of the most recurring questions about an IT Staff Augmentation company is whether it is more expensive than hiring fixed or permanent staff. It is totally a myth that it is more expensive, since when working with temporary IT Staffing resources you only have to pay for the hours they have worked, without acquiring other kinds of commitments for seniority, life insurance, etc.


“Comparing just the hourly rates of augmented resources to the salaries of permanent employees can also be misleading, as these don't show the full picture. Additional savings become apparent when you factor in the bonuses and benefits that permanent employees are typically entitled to, i.e. insurance and retirement plans, paid vacations, etc., in addition to the costs associated with training and their preparation”, warns Intagleo in an article.




Don't have control over the IT Staffing resources you hired?


Hiring staff from outside the organization can create the feeling that you are losing control of your project because it is not your local team that is totally immersed in it, but rather third parties. It is totally false, you will never lose control of your project with the IT Staff Augmentation service.


“You decide everything about your project from choosing features and technology to finalizing IT staff augmentation resources and development and testing methods,” they emphasized in a Matellio article.


You as the head of your company have complete control of what happens with the IT Staff Augmentation team. For example, you can hire the developers you require according to your budget. Likewise, you can enlarge the equipment when you need it or cut it down, without any kind of problem.


Is communication problematic?


Working with a local team gives you the security that communication will be more fluid, since they share the same space, the same office and the same culture. At least that in theory. But that does not mean that if you hire external personnel through IT Staffing it will be the opposite, it is a complete myth.


“There are modern communication tools and project management platforms that allow up-to-date communication (...) as long as you have remote IT Staff Augmentation personnel, the project manager will always be connected to you. The most effective communication tools with an offshore team are video conferencing applications, instant messaging and project management tools”, they pointed out in a Bacancy article.




Is privacy in danger?


Security is something that companies always strive to take care of. They do not want their data to be in danger, nor the data of their clients. For this reason, working with external personnel may represent a certain fear or mistrust.


IT Staff Augmentation companies usually have high security standards internally, which they apply to each of their projects. In other words, each client is guaranteed the privacy and security they need, signing confidentiality documents, for example. Data integrity is always guaranteed in this working relationship between a company and a technology partner.


If the IT Staff Augmentation service is less expensive… is it of low quality?


False. The fact that the IT Staff Augmentation service represents a decrease in costs does not mean that the quality of the work is lower. 




“That's not true, especially when partnering with an experienced IT staffing company. A reliable and experienced IT staffing company offers you the best resources for all your project needs without breaking your budget", Matellio detailed.


Will there be problems due to time difference?


Another belief that doesn't make sense is that, for example, an IT Staff Augmentation team will have trouble meeting project deadlines due to the time difference. False.


"Rather, it facilitates the early completion of projects, since hiring offshore resources helps keep the project active 24/7 due to time differences," they emphasize in the same article.


In addition, when starting the employment contract, both parties make it very clear the time difference that exists and the times in which the progress and final results must be delivered. Here communication is key and it is essential that everyone is clear about the scope and important dates of the project.




What you should pay attention to when hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company


  • Examine past customer feedback, research the experience these companies had working with this IT Staff Augmentation provider. This will give you an idea of ​​what kind of company it is and what team it has.
  • Ask about his portfolio, you need to see the kind of projects he has worked on so you can evaluate if it suits your company or your project.
  • You should know what is the approach to software development that he has.
  • Investigate the availability of resources they have for your project and if they have the necessary skills.
  • See if they offer ease of hiring. The simpler the better, as it can be incorporated into your local team faster.


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