How can a managed IT service provider help a business grow?

By lmartinez, 1 April, 2022

managed teams


We live in a time where all our data is inside a computerized system, we move there for everything: entertainment and work. Companies have moved their processes from paper to computers, so a department in charge of technology and information is a vital part of the company, although it can mean a great expense of money.


According to figures outlined in Report Linker, “The global managed IT services market reached $149.1 billion in 2016. This market is estimated to reach $256.5 billion in 2021 from $166.7 billion in 2017 at a rate of compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5% for 2017-2021”.


These are figures that support the growth of managed IT services within the company, even helping these same companies to grow for various reasons, which we present to you in this blog.


Reasons why a managed IT service can help your business grow


Cost Management


The most important benefit of contracting an IT managed service is the savings that it will mean for the company in personnel. Managed IT services help companies reduce the labor costs associated with hiring and training internal IT staff.


Ntiva, a company specializing in IT equipment, reveals that just two people in charge of IT services can cost a company around 155 thousand dollars a year, in addition to benefits and extra expenses.




Having a team of experts aware of your computerized systems 24 hours a day offers you an excellent level of security, preventing any leak of data from your clients or important collaborators. A leak or breach of cybersecurity could cause a company millions of dollars in expenses, which would result in a possible closure due to not being able to afford them.


From firewall configuration and anti-malware software to network monitoring and education on cybersecurity best practices, IT managed service teams focus on full-service protection.


Grow with your company


This is just the point we touch on in the blog. The growth of a company is in stages, a delicate balance that can be affected when a single department does not achieve its goals or adapt to the rhythm of the others, this could happen with an IT team that is saturated with tasks and does not comply with properly with all of them.


Hiring an IT managed service team allows you to remove this concern from your mind, since the more tasks that arise due to the growth of your company, the managed service provider will adopt the team so that it can cover all of them and provide a prompt solution to the technical problems that the company presents.


Keep up with the competition


Technology changes, evolves and what may be the trend today may be completely obsolete tomorrow, so it is vital for a company to keep its equipment and systems updated if it wants to be at the forefront. An IT managed service provider will make sure your business stays digitally up to date.


At Rootstack, we have experts at your disposal, prepared to manage all your IT needs, keep your company's computerized systems updated and thus help you reduce costs, avoiding having a fixed payroll staff that could represent a large amount of your budget. 


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How can a managed IT service provider help a business grow?
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