Is it safe to do business on Shopify?

By dbracho, 8 September, 2022



Once companies lost their fear of creating their online stores, the main concern became security. Whether they are small, medium or large companies, they handle sensitive customer data, from personal data to financial data, card and account numbers, among others. That is why Shopify has focused primarily on ensuring maximum security for its customers within the platform.


Let's get started with payment card data security on Shopify


In Shopify's documentation and reports, they consistently point out that they keep their security systems up to date with industry best practices.

“The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard that organizations must adhere to when handling credit and debit card information. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council created this standard to protect cardholder data used for online payments. Shopify is certified as PCI DSS level 1 compliant and complies with all six categories of PCI standards", detailed in an article on the Rewind portal.




Shopify focuses on the following categories, how to: keep the network secure, maintain a vulnerability management program, regularly monitor and test networks, protect cardholder data, and implement access control measures. So the answer is yes: it is safe to do business and create e-commerce on Shopify.


Shopify works under a shared responsibility model


What does this mean? That although Shopify is responsible for guaranteeing security in the payment gateway, the interface and the dashboard, in the APIs, as well as in the database and servers, the company that has its e-commerce here also has its share of responsibility regarding the security of your online store.




The merchant is responsible for the following, according to Rewind:


  • The security of the store's data, related to orders, customers and inventory.
  • Themes and assets.
  • Products and content within the store.
  • The business is responsible for security regarding passwords and authentication.
  • User roles and permissions.
  • Data backup.


“The shared responsibility model explains that keeping your Shopify store data secure is a shared responsibility between Shopify and you, the account owner. Shopify takes care of the software, infrastructure, and disaster recovery for the entire platform. You, as a merchant, are responsible for the security of your password, permissions granted to users, third-party applications, and backups of the data you enter into your account", they added in their article.




Shopify also has tools for data encryption


A great advantage that Shopify offers to companies is that Shopify provides SSL certificates to your store. "SSL certificates encrypt your store content and post it securely using HTTPS instead of HTTP," detailed an article by Diff Agency. This measure provides an "additional layer of security and builds customer confidence," they added.


Something important to note is that just as Shopify puts all its efforts into working on the security of the platform, it always asks for the collaboration of merchants in terms of reporting threats on its HackerOne portal.


Also interesting is the Fraud analysis tool, a data protection system in Shopify that protects merchants from being scammed. "It consists of a series of indicators that are collected in a single system: IP address, buyer's location, shipping address, number of registration attempts, etc," they explained on the Make be cool portal.


This system can detect situations such as someone trying 10 times to make a purchase without success. This purchase attempt may come from a stolen card, which can get the merchant into messy trouble later. All this is prevented thanks to Shopify's fraud tool.




And is the Shopify POS app also secure?


The answer is yes. Let's see, we explain what Shopify POS is: the same company defines it as an application that integrates a point of sale system that you can use to sell your products in person.


“It allows merchants to carry out many things efficiently, such as inventory management, transaction processing, tracking customer preferences, etc. By installing Shopify POS, merchants found that they have to manage a large amount of data, such as payment details and personal information. With this comes the issue of security”, they pointed out in an article on the Learn Woo portal.


Now that you know the fundamental aspects of Shopify security, do you dare to boost your e-commerce or create one from scratch? We have the experts your project needs. Contact Us!


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Is it safe to do business on Shopify?
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