How to install an ERP software

By lmartinez, 29 September, 2022

erp system


For a company to efficiently and controlled manage all internal processes and even part of its communication with customers and users, it must implement ERP software immediately and be able to enjoy its benefits.


In an article published by Microsoft, they define this software as “a type of software system that helps organizations automate and manage core business processes for optimal performance. ERP system coordinates the flow of data between a company's business processes, providing a single source of truth and streamlining operations across the enterprise. It is capable of linking a company's finance, supply chain, operations, trading, reporting, manufacturing, and human resource activities on a single platform."


Steps to install an ERP software


What the ERP system should look like


Before starting the installation, the user or client must define an important first step: what the ERP software should look like. A gap analysis meeting will be scheduled between the organization implementing your ERP solution and internal resources who can explain the business process across all aspects of the organization. The business package is likely to have configuration points that dictate how the system will react.




Another step before starting the ERP implementation is to define the budget. The software agency or expert in charge of installing the ERP software will meet with the client to define a budget. In addition to money, you have to set a time goal, how soon the client wants the installation of the software, and for what date.


Choose the right Project manager for the ERP implementation


To ensure that all processes are completed on time, you must have a Project manager in the ERP software installation team. This professional will guide the team through the entire process, making sure that they understand and execute each assigned task, as well as maintaining constant contact with the client updating how the installation is going and pending any last-minute changes.




Get the right ERP software

Choosing the right ERP software is very important since not all ERP solutions offer the same benefits, cover the same functions or have the same cost. Being clear about what the company needs is the first step before choosing the software, so they do not end up with one that is not the right one.


Data migration


Successful data migration is vital to a successful ERP implementation, as done correctly speeds up the process and can be completed faster than anticipated, but if it fails, you may have to start all over again. . It is important that before migrating the data, a filter is made with what is considered truly important and what can be discarded.




By having the ERP system that best suits the needs of the client and the company, the software configuration and implementation phase begins. After installing the infrastructure, you must configure the ERP solution and optimize it for your business needs. This duration may vary depending on the solution and provider chosen, some ERP software is more robust than others, so they require more time to implement and test.


Then, all ERP software must be tested, as it would be used daily in the company's processes, to verify that everything works correctly. If everything is working, then the client can start using the solution without any problem.


Another step in the installation, although perhaps not considered a fundamental part, is maintenance. The software agency or experts who installed the ERP software must provide maintenance from time to time, updating the system and improving the functions that warrant it.


Rootstack offers you a team of experts in this software, ready to implement it in your company. Do not hesitate to contact us.


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How to install an ERP software
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