How to hire app developers for IT Staff Augmentation?

By dbracho, 7 July, 2022

Staff Augmentation


Mobile applications are no longer a mere option for companies, as they have become a total necessity to meet the needs of current users. The use of mobile devices has grown exponentially in recent years, which is why companies have had to version their traditional platforms to adapt them to the mobile environment.


In 2021, global mobile app downloads reached 230 billion, according to figures from Statista, illustrating the vast market for mobile apps today. In February 2022, the most downloaded app on Android was Instagram, generating more than 25 million downloads, while on iOS, the most downloaded app was WhatsApp Messenger, with more than 10.2 million.


Do you see the importance of hiring application developers? And through IT Staff Augmentation you can find the profile you need in a short time and with the greatest expertise.


Staff Augmentation


Hire app developers for IT Staff Augmentation: when is the time to do it?


Hiring app developers can be a bit late, due to the whole process of searching and capturing profiles. And once you have these profiles, the administrative hiring procedure can further delay the integration of this resource into the team.


The advantage of working with professionals through IT Staff Augmentation is that resources can be quickly integrated into the in-house team. In less than two weeks they are already active working, since being temporary and external employees, the paperwork is simple.


Staff Augmentation


It's time to hire app developers through IT Staff Augmentation when:


  • You do not quickly find the technological talent that your project needs.
  • When you need immediate availability of specialized professionals.
  • When you need to reduce development costs without sacrificing project quality. Hourly rates are often very competitive and beneficial for some companies' tight budgets.
  • When you need flexible professionals, who adjust to the complexities of the project.
  • When the growth of the company is accelerated and there is not much time to recruit personnel.


If you have never worked with developers remotely through IT Staff Augmentation, rest assured that it is an excellent option: in fact, according to figures from Upwork, at least 56.8% of company teams work remotely most of the time and 41% of the teams work completely remotely. This shows that it is an effective and productive work model that can be adapted to any company and industry.


Staff Augmentation


Benefits of hiring remote app developers


Access to the best talent


“Companies can access talent from all over the world. Remote work gives them the opportunity to work with this talent more efficiently, as relocation is not always possible. Companies can opt for nearshoring, which consists of hiring staff within their region. This could be nearby cities or neighboring countries. Alternatively, they may choose to scout for talent in other countries in a different region. This is known as offshoring”, they detailed in an article on the DoIt.Software portal.


Fast hiring


“IT Staff Augmentation typically doesn't have lengthy service contracts or service level agreements. Purchased as an 'as a service' solution, you pay to activate services the same way you would pay for a software subscription. In many cases, the developers have experience, so the onboarding process is also easy", they explained about it at O8.


Staff Augmentation


Greater control and monitoring


By integrating mobile application developers through IT Staff Augmentation, you will have more control of their performance since they will work hand in hand with your in-house team, being able to monitor all tasks.




One of the most positive aspects of IT Staff Augmentation is that companies can add or remove resources on demand, depending on their needs at the time. This allows companies to pay only for those resources that they are using.


Economically profitable


“Dev team staffing uses a “time-sharing” model, where you make installment payments for what are often expensive resources. Those cost savings add up quickly when you bring in talented developers at a fraction of what it would cost to hire them full-time", detailed in O8.


Staff Augmentation


Aspects to take into account when hiring outsourcing app developers


Sure, there are plenty of positives to outsourcing app developers, but as a company you need to be aware of certain aspects that can get in the way of collaboration.


Attention to culture


It may be that your team and the outsourcing engineers you hire have an excellent relationship in terms of the technical and technological part, but it is also essential to have good communication and that the values of each side are similar. If the beliefs and values are not similar, conflicts may arise in that employment relationship since they will not be able to coincide or understand each other.


Forms of work


Each team has its own way of working, so both the in-house team and the outsourcing team must be very patient and open to the way others work. It can be challenging, but this coupling is necessary for successful collaboration.




The confidentiality aspect is always a concern for companies as they want to protect their data from possible leaks. It is vital that, before starting the employment relationship, your company and the outsourcing provider sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure that no data handled can be extracted or exposed.


Choosing mobile application developers through IT Staff Augmentation is a complex but necessary decision, since these external professionals can take off your project like never before. Do you need technological support? Contact us!


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