How to check the version of Node.js being used

By lmartinez, 25 July, 2023



Working with Node.js may be quite beneficial to any developer who wants to produce a solid software product that is user-friendly and scalable to accept various changes. Now, in order for everything to operate properly, you must be cautious about the framework's version.


Node.js is a cross-platform open source JavaScript runtime environment that allows JavaScript code to be executed outside of a web browser. It enables developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting and to run server-side scripts.


Node.js is based on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is also used by Google Chrome, and is often used to create server-side web applications, network apps, and real-time applications. It also contains npm, a powerful package manager that gives you access to a wide library of open source packages and modules that can be easily incorporated into Node.js applications.




How to check the version of Node.js that we are using


To check the version of Node.js installed on your computer, you can use the following command in terminal or command prompt:


node -v


This will display the version number of Node.js installed on your system. For example, if the result is `v14.17.0`, it means that version 14.17.0 of Node.js is installed on your system.




What is the best version of Node.js?


The "best" Node.js version is determined by your individual use case, requirements, and preferences. Node.js has a release cycle that includes long-term support (LTS) releases as well as normal updates.


LTS releases are recommended for most production applications since they receive long-term support and bug fixes. Because they are solid and trustworthy, they are a safe choice for enterprise applications and mission-critical systems.


The most recent LTS version of Node.js is 14.x, which will be supported until April 2023. However, it's always a good idea to check the Node.js official website for the most recent LTS and normal versions.


If you are starting a new project, it is best to choose the most recent version of LTS because you will receive the most support and updates. However, unless there are compelling reasons to upgrade, it's recommended to continue with the version you're currently using if you're keeping an existing program.




The Advantages of Using Node.js


Some of the advantages of utilizing Node.js are as follows:


  • Scalability: Because Node.js is a lightweight, event-driven framework, it can manage a huge number of requests while using few resources. As a result, it is appropriate for developing scalable applications capable of handling heavy traffic and big amounts of data.
  • Node.js has a non-blocking, event-driven I/O paradigm, which allows it to handle asynchronous activities like file I/O and network I/O quickly and efficiently. Reduces memory overhead and improves overall application speed by eliminating the need to create new threads for each request.
  • Excellent Community and Ecosystem: The Node.js community is strong and active, and it has developed a wide ecosystem of open source modules and libraries. These modules and libraries enable developers to quickly and efficiently add functionality to their applications, saving development time and effort.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Node.js works on a variety of platforms, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. This simplifies the development and deployment of programs across multiple platforms.
  • Simple to learn: Developers with a basic understanding of JavaScript may quickly learn Node.js. This cuts the learning curve greatly and helps them to construct apps fast and efficiently.
  • Node.js is suitable for developing real-time applications such as chat applications, collaboration tools, and gaming platforms. Its event-driven, non-blocking I/O style allows it to manage several connections at the same time, making it an excellent candidate for such applications.


Overall, Node.js provides a scalable, efficient, and simple framework for developing modern web and real-time applications.


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How to check the version of Node.js being used
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