Hooks: the React addition that replaces the Class Components

By lmartinez, 17 December, 2021



First released in October 2018, Hooks, or React's Link APIs, offer a new alternative to writing class-based components, or Class Components, giving an alternative approach to state management and life cycle methods.


React Hooks give functional components the things and functions that could only be done with classes: being able to work with React's local state, effects, and context through useState, useEffect, and useContext.


Additional Hooks include: useReducer, useCallback, useMemo, useRef, useImperativeHandle, useLayoutEffect, and useDebugValue.


The benefits of using Hooks in React


With a more function-oriented development in React, Hooks allows you to make use of these and thus not have to jump between functions, classes, higher-order components and rendering accessories. Dan Abramov, co-creator of React.Js, brought this up at ReactCom 2018 when they introduced Hooks.


Abramov said "If the React community accepts Hooks, it will reduce the number of concepts you need to juggle when writing React applications. Hooks allows you to always use functions instead of having to constantly switch between functions, classes, higher order components and rendering accessories."


Hooks has changed the way in which code is written in React, allowing developers to write cleaner and more precise code, it is as if a person were going on a diet, since Hooks cuts the excess code to make a more readable one and concise.


To do an example of the above, we use a canonical "document title effect" class version to see the difference between how you used to write something like this next to an example using a Hook installed by npm that does the same.




The comparison shows how the component has "lost a little weight". Not only can you save up to five lines of code, readability and testability are also improved with the switch to Hooks. One thing to remember is that Hooks is backward compatible with the code it is replacing and can live with, so there is no need to rewrite all of the base code right away.


Five important rules to keep in mind when using Hooks


Before you start using Hooks to develop your application with React, there are a few rules you should follow to the letter:


  • Never call Hooks from within a nested loop, condition, or function
  • A Hook must be placed at the top level of your component
  • Just call Hooks from React functional components
  • Never call a Hook from a regular function
  • Hooks can call other Hooks


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Hooks: the React addition that replaces the Class Components
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