Hire a ReactJS developer: Skills they must have

By lmartinez, 26 August, 2022



Software agencies and companies interested in a technological project are frantically looking for the best developers available on the market, experts in various technologies and programming languages, among which is ReactJS, one of the most widely used in the world. time to create web pages and mobile applications.


ReactJS is an open-source library developed by a team at Facebook to create single-page app user interfaces. This library was born due to a performance problem suffered by the social network application, which had been working with a typical system of links between views and data, but due to a large number of connections between both layers, the performance of the application was affected.


The importance of hiring an experienced ReactJS developer


The frontend part of an application or website is perhaps the most important and it is precisely this that the developer with experience in ReactJS takes care of.


A frontend developer is responsible for the design and implementation of the interface of the web page or mobile application. Your responsibility is to make sure that the design created by the web designer works correctly online, for this you use programming languages ​​such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript.


The importance is that the end users of the application or web page interact one hundred percent with the frontend, so it must be designed and created perfectly to meet their needs and make them stay on the site.




Technical skills a ReactJS developer must have




Basic and extremely important languages ​​that EVERY ReactJS developer must handle and know perfectly. In accordance with the knowledge of these technologies, the developer will be able to create functional applications and websites that are appropriate to the needs of the modern user, who at all times increases his technical knowledge and demands.


  • Knowledge of JavaScript


“JavaScript is one of the top skills required for ReactJS developers. As such, you will need to test your knowledge of JavaScript concepts related to code structure, variables, data types, operators, functions, loops, switch statements, objects, primitives, booleans, arrays and more. It is crucial to give these principles due weight, as these JavaScript fundamentals would also be applicable when coding in ReactJS. Therefore, if your fundamental knowledge is correct, your ReactJS developer skills would do the same”, they point out on the Uplers portal.


  • Git


Every ReactJS developer should understand how Git is handled and have a profile on GitHub or GitLab. Git is a distributed version control system, in its short definition. It allows you to keep track of all your development needs and you can also manage all the changes made to applications, code, websites and other information associated with the process of building a software. Knowledge of Git gives software developers the ability to better collaborate and cooperate with their co-workers.


  • Node+npm


This is a skill that can be optional. If you want a fullstack ReactJS developer, you need to have knowledge of Node so you can work with the backend of your app or website. Also, when looking for a developer with knowledge of these two technologies, you have to know how to handle an npm, or Node Packet Manager, and its registration process in order to add more value to the ReactJS libraries.


  • Redux


On their official page they define Redux in this way “it is a container of predictable state for JavaScript applications. It helps write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience like live code editing combined with a time travel debugger.”


The ReactJS developer must know how to handle this useful technology to have more features when creating a page or mobile application.




Other skills a ReactJS developer must have


  • Excellent comunication


In most cases, developers will have to work in a team with other people in charge of different parts of the project, at the same time that they are in constant conversation with the client defining the details, so they must have excellent skills for the communication: being able to clearly and precisely report all the details of the project and knowing how to listen to the client and understand their needs.


  • Ability to solve problems


When creating a website and getting to the process of writing code, hundreds of errors can occur one after another, so the ReactJS developer must be ready at all times to solve them in a rational way, without ever losing his cool. Also, attend to any last-minute changes that the client wants to add to the project.


At Rootstack we have a team of high level ReactJS developers, who have been able to create modern and efficient projects for our international clients.


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Hire a ReactJS developer: these are the skills they must have
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