DevOps for Enterprise: How to use it correctly

By lmartinez, 8 February, 2023



The DevOps development methodology is one of the most used by companies today so that their technological projects progress properly and without presenting errors that could delay their online launch.


DevOps can be defined as a collaborative practice between engineers, developers, and everyone who works on software and technology. An Agile and Lean methodology is used.


When teams embrace the DevOps culture, they have the ability to respond to customers faster, confidence in the applications being built increases, and business goals are achieved quickly.





Importance of a DevOps solution in companies


A basic DevOps solution can be useful for any company or organization regarding the continuous implementation of a sales funnel. Enterprise DevOps focuses on large-scale tasks or needs for the purpose of promoting availability and reliability.


Any company that is in need of scaling technology operations that are related to business functions must apply a DevOps solution or methodology and be aware of all best practices, as well as the tools to use to implement DevOps.





Uses and solutions of DevOps for companies


  • Security skills


The risk rate often matches the speed of implementation that DevOps facilitates. Given this restriction, security at the end or as a separate process in the traditional method might not work. This is where the DevOps team makes sure that all processes are carried out with the necessary security, in addition to the application data being kept safe.


  • Automated tests


The software must be constantly tested but doing it over and over again manually is almost impossible. The DevOps team runs automated tests that are deployed every time a change is made to make sure they haven't broken or thrown an error that wasn't there.


Before the product reaches the customer, through automated tests the team will realize if something went wrong. Different tools are used like PHPUnit, JUnit and Sonarqube.


  • Constant deployment


There is a development philosophy called Release early/release often that seeks to generate a closed feedback loop between developers, the testing team, and users. If you carry out constant deployments, you will quickly get feedback from users and allow improvements to be made to the software.


This is possible if the software has been tested in an environment similar to the production one and that is where the next point comes from.


  • Deploy to production-like environments


It is essential to have a test environment identical to the production environment in order to avoid last minute surprises. If the software is deployed in a production-like environment and everything worked fine there, you can be sure that when it is deployed to production it won't show any failures.


  • Carry out peer reviews


Another good practice for the DevOps team is to carry out peer-reviews. When code changes are made, it must be reviewed by someone other than the person who wrote it, this increases the number of people responsible for the code, all developers go through this process regardless of their rank.




Does my company need a DevOps team?


Having a DevOps team pending the operation and execution of your application or technology is almost vital, this ensures peace of mind when it comes to avoiding errors and having clean code, running correctly.


Among the benefits of working with a DevOps team are reducing operational costs, simplifying the flow of data and information in a project to facilitate collaboration, increasing agility and responsiveness of teams, and accelerating time to market of products. software products.


A DevOps engineer will put all these tasks into practice to ensure that the application or website works correctly and can meet the demands and needs of the end user, without sudden errors.


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DevOps for Enterprise: How to use it correctly
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