Benefits of a Dedicated Software Development Team

By dbracho, 1 August, 2022

dedicated software development


Hiring staff is one of the most important tasks in a company, but also one of the most complex and tedious. Hundreds of profiles have to be reviewed, personnel recruited, interviews, technical tests... and then taking care of the hiring process, assigning health insurance, vacations, paying taxes... In this traditional scenario, a Dedicated Software development Team model is the most attractive. Why?


Because the hiring of a Dedicated Development Team is faster and fewer requirements are needed for them to start the job and join your in-house team. “A dedicated development team brings the benefits of nearshoring to your business. You choose a team of software development experts who will work exclusively for your company but will be hired by an external company”, that is, a service provider, as indicated in an article on the Inspeerity portal.


There are no limits regarding the profiles you can hire under the Dedicated Software Development Team modality: you can add as many professionals as you need, including frontend and backend developers, QA experts, UX/UI designers, DevOps, project managers, among others.


dedicated software development


Benefits of hiring a Dedicated Software Development Team for your business


Beyond the usual doubts of companies about outsourcing work, the pandemic accelerated the incorporation of Dedicated Software Development Team because, thanks to this remote work, they were able to carry out projects despite so many restrictions and not being able to work face-to-face to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It was a time to check the effectiveness of this working model.


We will talk about the benefits of Dedicated Development Teams in your project and how they represent an excellent option to enlarge your team and increase productivity:


Dedicated Software Development Teams are economically viable


In an Invozone article, they point out that it is cheaper to hire a fully-formed dedicated development team than to start from scratch to build an in-house team. “When creating an internal team, you need to take into account all the administrative processes and find expert developers, which takes a lot of time and effort. Recruiting local talent could be stressful for the budget”, they warn.


“In contrast, the dedicated development team model is a viable solution because the team is already trained and experienced in certain technologies that are required for their project. Leaving out the administrative part gives the outsourcing company much more time and money to focus on the important business process,” they added in the article.


dedicated software development


It adapts easily and is exclusive


If you hire outsourcing developers, they may dedicate a couple of hours a day to your project, but at the same time they are immersed in other projects that can take away their attention and dedication to your project. One way to avoid this is by hiring a dedicated software development team, since that way you have the guarantee that this team is 100% dedicated to your project, which increases productivity. You will have a totally focused team, without distractions.


A comprehensive team from the start


“You get all the skills you need in a dedicated development team. No need for adjustments, but plenty of room for them at the same time," they noted in an Inspeerity article. This means that, from the start of the project, you will have all the profiles and skills that you previously defined. Your project is not going to stop due to lack of personnel.


dedicated software development


Vast experience


A dedicated software development team is more experienced as they have typically worked with different companies and on different projects. This experience is invaluable to your project and an in-house team is unlikely to have it.


Read more: Why do you need a Dedicated Software Development Team?


In which situations Hire a Dedicated Software Development Team suits you


If you are an early stage startup


“If you are an early-stage startup and are expected to grow, consider hiring a dedicated development team. It will allow you to build a team quickly, save money on hiring processes, and develop the product faster. While your internal team must work on business-oriented tasks, the augmented team does the extra work,” they explained in an article on the Up Tech portal.


dedicated software development


Long-term projects


If you have a long-term project on your hands, you cannot do it with resources that are unstable or that their availability is limited. This is an ideal opportunity to work with a dedicated software team, as these teams are 100% dedicated to the project and are guaranteed to be with you from start to finish.


Projects with vague requirements


They are the kind of projects that are in a trial and error stage and are not fully defined. “Since the discovery stage forms the backbone of the entire project development mechanism, it can take months of testing and interviewing to finally settle down. The dedicated team model provides time and resources for you to focus on the discovery stage without fear of overspending.”
detailed in Up Tech.


Do you need guidance on how to work with a Dedicated Team? At Rootstack we have +10 years working on the digital transformation of companies from all industries. Contact us!


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