The importance of communication in dedicated development teams

By dbracho, 21 March, 2023

dedicated software developers


One of the main reasons why companies hire dedicated development teams is because they want to increase efficiency in the development of their software projects. For this, they need a team of developers that is 100% focused on their project, to streamline the flow and meet the stipulated delivery times from the beginning of the development cycle.


By having a specialized team dedicated to a project, development processes can be improved, which translates into a better final product and greater customer satisfaction. In addition, it is a team that can quickly adjust to the needs of the project, which allows greater flexibility in terms of implementing new features or changes in the project.


Although hiring a dedicated team may seem expensive at first, in the long run it can result in cost reduction as the expense of recruiting and training new employees for each project is eliminated.


dedicated development team


Importance of communication when working with a dedicated development team

Although companies pay close attention to the costs of hiring a dedicated development team, a no less important issue is communication. If there is no understanding and communication between the client and the external team of developers, the whole project can fail, since neither party will be clear about what is going on.


Communication is one of the biggest challenges companies face when hiring a dedicated development team: according to a survey conducted by ChainLink Research, 19.3% of the leaders interviewed agreed that language, cultural barriers, and differences hours were part of the pitfalls of working with an IT outsourcing team.


Here are some reasons why communication is crucial when working with dedicated development teams:


Relationship building

Effective communication allows members of the dedicated development team to connect and create meaningful relationships. When people are working remotely, communication helps create a sense of community and belonging to the team.


dedicated development team


Clarification of expectations

Communication is vital to making sure all team members are on the same page as to what is expected of them. This can include delivery dates, project goals, and specific tasks assigned to each team member.



When working remotely, there may be a lack of information or an incomplete understanding of the issues. Effective communication can help solve problems quickly and avoid misunderstandings.


Increased productivity

Regular and effective communication allows development team members to work more efficiently and effectively. This can include real-time brainstorming and collaboration, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better results.


desarrolladores de software dedicados


Maintenance of team morale

Regular and effective communication can help maintain the morale of the dedicated development team and prevent team members from feeling isolated or disconnected. This can include recognition of achievements and emotional support during difficult times.


How to facilitate communication between a company and a dedicated development team

“To someone who has never outsourced any business processes before, the lack of constant communication can seem like a lack of control. It really is not the case at all”, they state in a Clutch article, where they talk about various strategies to facilitate communication between a client and a dedicated development team.


  • If there is a slight time difference, agree on the time interval in which both teams will be available.
  • Take the same days off.
  • Using project management tools will contribute to better communication and understanding.
  • Scheduling inter-day or weekly video conferences will help teams catch up.
  • Delimit the communication channels that will be used.
  • Sharing files in the cloud will broaden access to information, letting everyone on the team know what work is being done.
  • Write very detailed notes when necessary.


dedicated development team


Things to consider when working with a dedicated development team

Working with a dedicated development team can be an efficient way to carry out software projects. It is important to ensure that the team has the necessary experience and skills, and that constant communication and feedback is established throughout the project. In addition, it is essential to share the values and culture of the company, and to ensure that the team has a well-established process and methodology.


Here are some things to keep in mind when working with a dedicated development team:


  • Experience and skills

Make sure that the dedicated development team has the necessary experience and skills for the project at hand. This may include specific technical skills, industry knowledge, or previous experience on similar projects.


  • Culture and values

It is important that the dedicated development team shares the values and culture of your company. This can help ensure harmonious collaboration and alignment around the vision and goals of the project.


dedicated development team


  • Process and methodology

The dedicated development team should have a well-established process and methodology for software development, which may include agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban. This can help ensure effective project management, greater transparency, and greater efficiency in development.


  • Constant communication and feedback

It is important to maintain constant communication and feedback with the dedicated development team throughout the project. This may include regular code review, software testing, and frequent feedback.


Do you need a dedicated development team on your project? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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desarrolladores de software dedicados
The importance of communication in dedicated development teams
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