Points to consider when implementing a CRM

By Anonymous (not verified), 6 March, 2018

crm solutions


Many of us who are dedicated to sales or marketing, we have certainly heard about CRM solutions and probably have told us that to improve our management we need to implement one.


We constantly see that companies implement CRM solutions and is simply managing the relationship with customers. Managing the processes of your business and achieve your company’s objectives by providing adequate information at the right time.


Summarizing a CRM as its acronym indicates (Customer Relationship Management), they refer to a software that allows us to monitor the interactions with customers, current and future. However we must bear in mind that each CRM can vary depending on.


Common features in a CRM One of the main concerns that pursues companies is how to increase sales. While you have a good product you must provide the sales team with tools to make them effective.


There are different CRM solutions in the market with which you can improve your sales. For example Rootnet CRM that allows you to organize the information of customers and prospects to identify sales opportunities.



crm solutions


Basic functions with which CRMs usually count are:

– Accounts: Manage Accounts, contacts and customers in an easy way. Providing access to all information.

– Sales notes: tools that allow you to monitor the treatment of accounts and compliance with the different assigned goals.

– Quantify business opportunities: know the behavior over time at the level of figures (how much are we creating opportunities, losing and winning), in order to improve business strategies.

crm solutions

Points to take into account when implementing a CRM

– Know your sales processes: describe each of our sales processes, that is, how we carry out the prospection / communication with the client and communication with your team. Evidence the advantages and disadvantages of the current structure of your team, diagramming the structure of customer-oriented content.

– Develops an automation plan of the CRM: the objective of this stage is to establish the steps to follow to cover the needs. Step-by-step management of commercial flow. Identification of the information that is required and that really adds value to the commercial team to facilitate the process.

– Train your team: train the commercial team to ensure the correct adoption of the CRM.

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The success that a CRM is adopted by a company depends on:

The managerial, commercial, administrative and / or support team is aligned with the processes surrounding the client

The commercial team are open to improve / adopt the processes to be automated around the client

Carry out the processes in the CRM in a consistent manner to be able to achieve in the medium term that the use of a CRM is a facility and not an obstacle to better manage / sell the clients.



It is important to take into account the processes and commercial flow that we are looking to improve in order to evaluate the characteristics we must evaluate in our CRM. The most important criterion for the success of a CRM implementation is the user and in what way the solution is linked to the specific processes in the company.


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Points to consider when implementing a CRM
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