A complete success the event "Generate added value in your business with Red Hat Process Automation Manager"

By lmartinez, 14 September, 2022

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Last Tuesday, September 13, Rootstack, in the company of our partner Red Hat, held the event "Generate added value in your business with Red Hat Process Automation Manager" where we shared with representatives of the most important Panamanian companies in a morning full of interesting information.


Diego Tejera and Andrés Buitrón were the Rootstack representatives in the talk, in addition to having Norberto Araya, Red Hat representative, as a guest, who came from Costa Rica to share with us and talk about the functions and benefits of this technology.


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Diego Tejera, our CTO, welcomed the participants, who listened carefully to the talk given by Andrés Buitrón on the benefits of the Robotic Process Automation solution, or RPA, which consists of the use of software robots to carry out repetitive tasks that people used to handle.


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He also talked about the advantages of RPA for companies, such as it works 24 hours a day, human talent can be redirected to other tasks, robotic processes are practically error-proof, they have an easy learning curve and It is implemented in a short time.


Red Hat captivated those present with its benefits


Then, it was the turn of Norberto Araya, who traveled from Costa Rica to offer a talk on the benefits of implementing the solutions offered by Red Hat for companies, leaving those present interested in acquiring technology services, one that has grown by leaps and bounds and has a presence in different countries of the world.


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Red Hat is a company that offers businesses of all sizes a wide range of Linux packages, as well as tools that make cloud management and container management easy.


In addition to the talk, those attending the event enjoyed a delicious breakfast prepared by the hotel's chef, as well as, in the end, various prizes were raffled, including two Amazon gift cards and t-shirts and products given away by our partner Red Hat.


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We thank all those who attended what was the first face-to-face event since the start of the pandemic, we are happy to be with our clients again and we ask you to stay tuned to our social networks, since we will soon be announcing other events and surprises, always counting on our international partners.


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Evento Red Hat
A complete success the event "Generate added value in your business with Red Hat Process Automation Manager"
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