Common mistakes when developing a mobile application

By Anonymous (not verified), 1 June, 2017

mobile app development services


Nowadays, more companies are looking to meet the expectations of consumers and for this reason they expand their catalog of digital solutions tailored to customers and their needs on the current trend.


The mobile age has arrived to stay, it is known that 80% of Internet users have a smartphone. Smart Insights


Each web or mobile tool should be put into practice on expert knowledge but at the time of implementing it generate certain common mistakes that we can name to take into account in your next development.

mobile application

Common mistakes when developing a mobile application

1. Reuse design

  • We must create a unique design for mobile devices While it should carry the brand line, the mobile application should create on a reduced design, with specific functionalities, understandable action buttons and generate a difference on the website that encourage the action of downloading the application.


2. Mandatory registration

  • There are many applications that require the user to register before viewing the information or knowing the application, this causes the user to decide not to enter and delete the application. A mandatory registration should not be imposed on users, rather it should encourage the application to be handled in some way. If you have a corporate purpose, you can have exclusive access to your clients through other channels and that is exclusively used to view statements, apply to new services, among others.

mobile app development services

3. Complicated user interface

  • In mobile it is essential to provide an excellent user experience with a dynamic and attractive user interface. If the application is complicated, has too much content and little graphical interaction, it is very likely that the user will delete the app. Recovering a user who has previously removed our application will be difficult because probably the first download gave the wrong image of the company.


4. Speed

  • While the majority of applications work with the internet, it is necessary that the speed is optimal. It will not be enough just to offer exclusive content to customers if not a good reason to download the application and use their internet to access our application. The purpose of developing a mobile application apart from the presence and ease of access is to enhance the services by taking advantage of each device.


The success of the application will not be measured by the amount of downloads, a user can download your application and delete it for lack of understanding or bad experience. It should give a good first impression and update on new features after measuring the use and success of the tool.

mobile app development services

Currently there are 2.8 million applications available in google store and 2.2 billion in apple app store Source


To conclude, we must be clear that if we do not identify the real need and goals of developing mobile application for our company the named errors will be unavoidable. The more attractive the application the greater traffic will have, the multiple benefits of developing a mobile application can not be overlooked.


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Common mistakes when developing a mobile application
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