Can managed services reduce the cost of IT?

By lmartinez, 1 April, 2022

managed service


Managed services have almost become the norm for small and medium-sized industries globally. With all internal and external processes moving to the digital plane, it is absolutely necessary to have a department in charge of the companies' computer systems, hardware, and software, this is where IT managed service providers come in.


Red Hat defines a managed service provider this way “A managed IT service provider is typically an IT service provider that manages and takes responsibility for providing a defined set of services to its customers, either proactively or when the MSP (not the client) determines that the services are needed.”


They add “The managed service provider is responsible for the functionality of the service or equipment, managed under a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The customer receiving the service often pays a monthly subscription fee.


Managed IT services are necessary for various industries and have benefits ranging from having technology experts on staff to being able to save costs by having a team attentive to your computerized systems without being on the payroll.


managed service provider


How a managed IT service can reduce costs for your business


Not only by hiring a managed IT service will you have qualified experts who will help you keep your company's computerized systems updated and smooth, but you will also be able to save money by not having to keep a large number of employees on your fixed payroll just for that Department.


Ntiva, a company specializing in IT equipment, reveals that just two people in charge of IT services can cost a company around 155 thousand dollars a year, in addition to benefits and extra expenses.


By hiring an IT managed service provider, you can save almost half of that amount, since, with two people in charge of your computerized services and processes, you will be spending around 84 thousand dollars a year, this ensures that you have all your systems up to date and with constant surveillance: 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.


Among the other benefits that hiring a managed service gives you, the following stand out:


Access to the latest technology


By letting a specialized managed IT services company take care of the creation, maintenance, and administration of your software systems, you will have access to the most creative minds, experts in their field who will provide your company, small or medium, with the latest in technology and software, on par with the rest of the world.


managed service


With this managed service, you will have access to the latest technology without having to spend too much on hiring permanent staff.


Leverage uptime


If you want your company's IT systems to be up and running all the time, you need to have the right IT team with enough staff, which can be a big cost. By leaving this work to a managed services team, you will avoid the expense and have someone watching that everything works correctly, thus avoiding any mishaps.


Extra expenses that you will save by having an adequate managed IT service


In addition to the money, you're saving by hiring a managed service provider, having tech experts on top of all your computerized systems can prevent cybersecurity mishaps like data theft.


According to an IBM study, a single data breach can cost an average of $3.92 million. It's a shocking number, but accurate nonetheless, and a consequence that a number of companies around the world have had to deal with for neglecting cybersecurity. In fact, according to Hiscox's Cyber ​​Readiness Report 2019, only 11% of companies can be considered cybersecurity experts, while the rest still need improvement before their systems are fully secure.


What is a Managed Service Provider?


To have an excellent Managed Service, you must hire an expert in the field. A managed service provider ensures that you have at your disposal professionals with experience in technology and with the appropriate knowledge to solve the problem that your company presents.


As defined by TechTarget, a Managed Service Provider is a third-party company that remotely manages a customer's information technology (IT) infrastructure and end-user systems. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), non-profit organizations, and government agencies hire Managed Service Provider to perform a defined set of day-to-day management services. These services may include network and infrastructure management, security, and monitoring."


At Rootstack, we have experts at your disposal, prepared to manage all your IT needs, keep your company's computerized systems updated and thus help you reduce costs, avoiding having a fixed payroll staff that could represent a large amount of your budget.


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