Everything you need to know about Amazon Web Services (AWS)

By lmartinez, 21 December, 2022



One of the most common practices in companies today is to move all their computing services to the cloud, both internal and external, this allows the company to save the costs of maintaining large servers, in addition to other benefits. One of the most widely used cloud computing solutions is AWS, or Amazon Web Services.


AWS defines itself as a cloud computing provider, a subsidiary technology of Amazon. It offers its customers a secure and scalable computing power system, large data storage, content delivery, and other typical cloud computing services that will help the company achieve efficient operation and growth.


AWS was introduced to the market in March 2006, so it already has millions of customers worldwide, as well as a community that keeps its libraries up to date and offers support in several languages for all those interested in working with this computing solution on the cloud.




Services offered by AWS


Amazon Web Services has an extensive and varied list of cloud computing services available to its millions of customers worldwide. Let's review the most important ones:


  • Computer service
  • Storage
  • Database
  • Networking and content delivery
  • Security tools
  • Development tools
  • Management tools





AWS Uses Across Businesses


One of the goals of companies worldwide is to have sophisticated, high-quality, internal computerized applications and systems that they can trust, bypassing traditional methods. For this, AWS is used.


AWS makes more than 200 complete services available to interested companies, making it one of the most complete cloud computing platforms on the market. As already mentioned above, the AWS services most used by companies are data storage, content delivery, networking, database storage, data centers and to power the management console.


In addition to the aforementioned uses, the most prestigious software agencies worldwide are working hand in hand with their clients to, with AWS, create Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and Internet of Things projects, known as IoT.


The best thing about Amazon Web Services is that it is available on demand, in seconds, with pay-per-use pricing. Companies interested in AWS should only access the resources that interest them and are necessary for the project, without spending extra on tools and functions that are not going to be used.




Key security features


One of the biggest concerns for customers and businesses is how secure their data will be stored on a cloud computing platform, which is why AWS has made great strides in this area to keep all of its services protected.


AWS security applies to database engines, server configurations and also offers encryption that keeps data protected, allowing companies to focus on their core business and not worry about any security breach.


Who uses AWS?


The cloud computing platform has seen its popularity skyrocket over the years among all companies that need a powerful server but do not have the physical capacity or infrastructure.


According to research carried out by the statistics site Statista, AWS ranks second in preference among cloud computing solutions, only behind Microsoft Azure, mentioning the variety of services as one of the strengths of Amazon Web Services.


Companies from all industries use AWS services for their cloud computing, including enterprise giants such as Netflix, Twitch, Facebook, BBC, ESPN, Airbnb, McDonald's, and Ticketmaster.





Reasons to use AWS


In addition to the aforementioned services that are of great benefit to any company, there are reasons why AWS is one of the best options when choosing a cloud computing platform.


  • Ease: AWS is a platform purpose-built for independent software vendors to host applications quickly and keep them secure. With AWS Management Web Services APIs, the hosting platform will be easy to access.
  • Flexibility: By using AWS, the user will be able to choose the operating system, programming language with which they feel most comfortable, databases and all other technologies that are necessary for the project. The variety of Amazon Web Services makes it possible for there to be one for every specific need.
  • Expenses: AWS customers will pay only for storage, computing power, and other resources used in the project, without having to purchase tools and features that will not be used.
  • Secure: AWS is characterized by offering comprehensive security in all its services, for companies of any size. In addition to using electronic surveillance and encrypted and multifactor access control, there are qualified personnel 24 hours a day to ensure that everything works correctly.
  • Scalability: Amazon Web Services has an extensive infrastructure that allows its users to scale up or down, according to the demand of the project.
  • Reliable: Combining all the reasons mentioned above, AWS is a reliable cloud computing platform, capable of recovering quickly from a failure and, because of its scalability, easily acquires the resources to meet the demand of the moment, thus reducing interruptions to a minimum. 




AWS or Microsoft Azure?


Two of the most popular cloud computing platforms of the moment. AWS and Microsoft Azure dominate the market and offer high-tech services for interested companies, but they are quite different from each other.


One of the main features of Azure is its ability to be a hybrid cloud, which allows you to integrate servers with instances in the cloud.


It stands out in the hybrid cloud market, allowing enterprises to integrate on-premise servers with cloud instances, while AWS is not one of the strongest when it comes to hybrid services and functions.


AWS manages to succeed in its scope, offering its services in 26 regions and 84 working areas around the world, while Azure is currently only present in 60 areas in the world, a number that is growing every moment.


This is the main thing you should know about Amazon Web Services, or AWS, to find out if it is a cloud computing platform that fits your company and the project you have in mind, with its various services and functions.


At Rootstack we have a team of AWS experts ready to work by your side, give your company the cloud computing service it needs, where all data can be stored safely and serve as virtual servers for all computerized systems for internal use.


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Everything you need to know about Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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