How does the agile software development life cycle work?

By lmartinez, 29 November, 2022

software development


To develop a software product, the team of engineers or developers must follow a clear structure, a series of steps in which each team member has defined their participation. This is basically what agile software development is all about.


In this type of software development methodology, the team is composed as a Scrum and they work in sprints, following a series of tasks, all detailed and organized to maximize the work of each member and finish the project within the deadline previously established with the client. or the contracting company.


Phases of the agile software development life cycle




It is the initial stage, when the team leader will meet with the product owner and they will determine the scope of the project, in addition to making clear the key aspects that must be present in the application or technology being worked on.


It is recommended for the client to leave the requirements and aspects of the product to a minimum, immediately define the basic structure, since the details and other functions can be added during the development process.


software development




Having a defined concept, you can start to form the software development team in charge of it. After choosing the best people for the project, in addition to making sure they have the necessary tools to complete it, the design process begins.


During the design, the development team will create a mockup of the user interface and define the architecture of the project. The contribution of the interested party in the project is important in order to clearly define everything that must be created and integrated into the project.


Iteration stage


It is the work phase, when the entire development team builds the product. It is the longest phase. Developers work alongside UX designers to create the user interface that meets the customer's requirements, as well as the necessary features to meet the user's needs.


A general goal is to have a basic product phase at the end of the first sprint, so the customer can try it out and provide feedback, as well as make any adjustments to bugs that come up. This stage is a cornerstone of Agile software development, allowing developers to build software that works quickly and make improvements to satisfy the customer.


software development




We reached the final stages. Once the product is ready, the QA team comes in to test absolutely everything: they must make sure that the software is functional, the code is clean, detect potential errors early, and anything that affects the user experience. In addition, the documentation for the user will be made and once everything is ready, the product will be launched on the market.




The development team will continue to monitor the product, providing the necessary maintenance over time, as well as updating it whenever necessary, adapting to new technological devices and current trends.


Rootstack has a team of experts in agile software development, ready to meet the needs that your company presents and create a functional and effective technological product that will increase interaction with your customers, as well as company profits. Contact us and let's start working together on your journey to new trends in technology.


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How does the agile software development life cycle work?
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