5 basic requirements for large companies' e-commerce sites

By Anonymous (not verified), 10 August, 2017



Nowadays, the way to do business on the purchase or sale of products or services is made mostly through online tools.


Due to the constant technological change the user has become more demanding and therefore it is necessary to focus our resources in the fulfillment of each one of the expectations of the users that benefit our company.


An e-commerce store is a website that allows the purchase and sale of goods or services via online where the sale is done electronically to a person, company or governmental entity without limit of products, available for any type and size of company in any part of the world.





As benefits for implementing an e-commerce site you will have:

  • Flexibility of payment methods
  • New sales channel
  • Direct contact with customers
  • Effective sales closure
  • Availability 24/7
  • Custom catalog
  • Global access
  • Costs reduction
  • Clarity of processes
  • Increases sales possibilities
  • Maximizes business value
  • Effective brand positioning


22% of users abandon their purchase for not finding payment methods adapted to their needs. (Source)


Meet the 5 basic requirements for e-commerce sites focused on large companies

  • Quantity of products

Within the e-commerce store we must have as a minimum requirement a product capacity depending on the sales flow of each user ensuring that the catalog of our products is displayed in the right way with the complete information integrated into our inventory.


  • Access

This new e-commerce platform will serve as a new channel of communication and sales with our customers, the access fulfills a fundamental pillar in this implementation.


We must define our customer flow when creating an account, management of each profile and managing payment methods in a safe and transparent way.


  • Experience

We must consider that each new visit increases the possibilities of conversion and therefore it is necessary to focus strategies in providing an excellent user experience with an optimal, easy to use and transparent platform on each transaction.


  • Integrations

For a site to fulfill the function of e-commerce it must have integrations of payment and inventory, where the client will configure payments with their confidential information.


Within the integrations, it is necessary to set security certificates that reinforce the transparency and encryption of confidential data.


  • Provider

As the last basic requirement for an e-commerce site is the provider.


The provider must be able to structure, plan and notify the progress of the approved work plan with the development of tools based on our business objectives


Maintenance plays a very important role in this type of solution as it does not give itself to defined times, you will need a long-term support plan and a reliable provider.

This implementation will help your company to focus its strategy on the total reach of customers, capture more users and increase sales notably focusing on after-sales regarding time and quality of delivery, product quality, pricing and usability of the tool.


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5 basic requirements for large companies' e-commerce sites
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