By lmartinez, 16 December, 2021 How to get a job as a software engineer? If your goal is to get a job as a software engineer, then you must first study and achieve the academic degree.
By lmartinez, 16 December, 2021 Rootstack established alliances with bootcamps in Latin America Rootstack has managed to make several alliances with bootcamps around Latin America.
By lmartinez, 1 December, 2021 What must you do to become a web developer? A web developer is a programmer who specializes or spends much of his time developing applications for the World Wide Web.
By lmartinez, 25 October, 2021 Benefits of being part of an international work team In today's globalized world, it is necessary to work on internationally renowned projects.
By lmartinez, 22 October, 2021 What tools does a Full Stack developer handle? A Full Stack developer is one who has the knowledge to manage and create both parts, so they are very valuable professionals.