Our solutions to automate banking procedures
Rootstack's specialized staff has provided support and support to various banking institutions in different areas of work, adding experience in terms of automation of tasks, implementation of web pages and improvement of mobile applications, as well as optimization of workflows to save time and increase productivity.
Automation of financial reports: Superintendency of Banks of Panama
Rootstack provided support to the Superintendency of Banks of Panama to carry out the structuring, design and development of a web application, in order to automate and standardize the financial reports of banks not only in Panama, but also in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The objective of this platform would be to facilitate the exchange of information between banks in these countries, speeding up joint actions and work.
Through the implementation of a module, the users of the application could easily review the reports online, make comparisons, as well as consult catalogs of tables with the codes used in said financial reports. Additionally, reports can not only be viewed from the site but also exported for review outside of the application.
Token mobile app improvement
The development of mobile applications is one of Rootstack's fields of expertise, so it was possible to support this banking institution in improving the Creditoken Mobile app, in charge of providing security and protection to customers when making their transactions in line. This platform had service failures, so customer complaints were recurring.
To change this, the operation of the application was first analyzed to detect the points where errors were recorded and thus determine the possible causes. After solving this point, a memory leaks problem was also addressed and the security of the app was reinforced by encrypting the passwords when implementing KeyStores. As a result, a faster, error-free, and much more secure application was obtained for customers.
Website development
One of Rootstack's objectives is to support the growth and development of companies. In this sense, it collaborated with our client, one of the most recognized banking institutions in Panama for its high credibility and responsibility, to develop its website. It was a modern, functional site, totally designed according to the needs and characteristics of the client and its users.
This website reflects the dynamism and vocation of service that the bank presents, since it allows users to carry out multiple tasks online, automating many of the procedures offered by the institution. The security of this site is optimal, for the greater peace of mind of the bank's clients. Also, it is easy to use.
Workflow automation
Technology offers great benefits when it comes to automating and streamlining processes within companies, this also applies to banking institutions. In the case of this company, it needed a platform to automate the process of requesting and handling default procedures on personal loans and credit cards, in the midst of the complex economic context derived from Covid-19.
Rootstack considered the development of a web page integrated with Rootnet Suite, connecting at the same time the CRM, Intranet and Sync modules, to automate workflows, accounts, process status and notifications. This resulted in the creation of a self-management portal for customers.
This website offers the user the option of registering by entering their basic data, which are verified by Rootnet CRM to confirm if they are on the bank's customer list. When validating the user's data, they are synchronized, showing on the web portal all the products that are associated with the customer's account. After this step, the person will be able to create the moratorium request automatically, without having to go to the bank. In this way, the bank immediately receives the request from its client and he can carry out the process without delay or errors.
At Rootstack we have a highly qualified team to create technological solutions focused on banking institutions. With more than 10 years of experience in the development of websites, business systems and mobile applications, we can provide support to banks in any scenario that arises, adapting to the needs and characteristics of each client.