Why do you need a Dedicated Software Development Team?

By lmartinez, 23 September, 2022

dedicated software development team


Businesses today are turning to technology, such as mobile apps and dynamic web pages, to advertise their services or products, so it is absolutely necessary to have the help of experts to achieve this. This is where they should look for a Dedicated Software Development Team.


The term Dedicated Software Development Team refers to the group of professionals who will help a company to create, execute and launch a technological project in a short time, thus satisfying the requirements and needs of the company and meeting the demands of users or customers.


In a more technical way, UpTech defines the Dedicated Software Development Team as “a model of collaboration with an outsourced team of developers, where a client and a team of developers collaborate on a long-term basis. This is one of the most popular collaboration modes, which is on a par with a fixed price (FP) and time and material (T&M) models.”


Members of a dedicated software development team


By hiring this team, a process that is usually done through a software agency like Rootstack, the company or client will have a diverse group of experts in each aspect of the development of an application or website. The most important are:


  • Front-end and back-end engineers, full-stack, mobile developers;
  • UX/UI Designers;
  • DevOps Engineers;
  • Specialists in quality assurance;
  • Business analysts;
  • Product managers;
  • Project managers.


By having an expert in each field mentioned above, you ensure that you have all the fundamental aspects of the application or website covered, thus achieving an effective final product that is liked by the user or client.


dedicated software development team


Benefits of a dedicated software development team


The primary benefit of hiring a dedicated software development team through an agency or third party is financial. Currently, the annual salary of a web developer or software engineer is around 200 thousand dollars, so by only paying for the services of the team for a certain time, the company or the client can save thousands of dollars.


In addition to the cost, if the project deadline is shortened and the project is not yet ready, the client has the option to scale up and bring in an extra pair of hands to help without significantly affecting the cost of hiring.




If the company already has a team of developers hired exclusively, they can dedicate themselves to other projects without diverting their time and attention to a new one, leaving it in the hands of the dedicated software development team.


In some cases, depending on what the software agency they hire offers, they may have two teams working 8 hours each per day, offering a total of 16 hours dedicated entirely to the execution of the project, thus being able to finish faster than anticipated and to be able to meet the needs of users on time.


dedicated software development team


The reason to hire a dedicated software development team


In addition to the aforementioned benefits, companies worldwide and in any industry need to have a presence on the web and social networks since that is where customers are and from where they make their purchases.


Having an efficient application, with a fast and suitable interface for any operating system, as well as a functional design that can be used by anyone regardless of their technological knowledge, is the most important thing. A dedicated software development team can accomplish this.


Read more: When to Hire a Dedicated Development Team?


You may think that the IT team of the company is capable of getting this project off the ground, but it would take time away from solving other problems that arise, for example, with internal systems, to focus on this project and that could affect the company's production and even lower sales.


Hiring a dedicated software development team is an option to consider. Give that technological project that has been on your mind for years a chance and increase the productivity and sales of the company.


At Rootstack we have more than 10 years of experience offering this type of service. More than 200 satisfied international clients corroborate our work, contact us to tell you a little more about what we can do for you and your company.


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Why do you need a Dedicated Software Development Team?
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