Which ERP system is the most user friendly?

By dbracho, 18 April, 2022



The most important thing when adopting a new system in a company is that the work team feels comfortable using it. And it is worth nothing to have a powerful and modern platform, if the end users do not know how to handle it. This generates inconvenience in the staff, dissatisfaction and, apart from that, puts the company's productivity and processes at risk. That is why it is essential that, if you are considering implementing ERP software, you look for an option that is user-friendly.


ERP systems have come a long way in improving usability. Over time the truth was revealed: if an ERP is difficult to use, it will not be used and the project will fail. With him goes the promise of improvement for the company, potential growth will not occur”, they explained on this subject in an article on the portal The Answer Co.


“The usability of an ERP system is an incentive to use the system and take advantage of its benefits. An intuitive ERP boosts productivity, improves ROI and improves collaboration”, they added in the same article, emphasizing the usability that an ERP software must have to be successful. That the graphical interface is nice and clean is not a luxury, since it has a direct impact on the productivity of a team.


Keys to evaluate usability of an ERP 


If we talk about the usability of an ERP, the first thing we should review is the platform documentation. If it is easy to understand and has all the information clear, concise and necessary for a user to learn how to use it quickly, it is a positive point for this option. But if, on the other hand, the documentation is deficient and confusing, imagine what the ERP will be like.




Numbers of clics


If we talk about the usability of an ERP, the first thing we should review is the platform documentation. If it is easy to understand and has all the information clear, concise and necessary for a user to learn how to use it quickly, it is a positive point for this option. But if, on the other hand, the documentation is deficient and confusing, imagine what the ERP will be like.


Flow of the process


The organization of elements such as tabs, menus, windows, is decisive when evaluating how easy or difficult it is to navigate through the ERP software. The user must feel comfortable with navigation and that finding what he is looking for is simple and not a problem.


Search interface


And speaking of searches, precisely the search interface presented by the ERP system must be clear for users, if it is easy to search and find data and documents, and on this side it guarantees a good experience, the ERP Software blog also refers.




Graphic aspects that a user-friendly ERP should have


How to know if an ERP software is user friendly? There are many companies in the technology industry that offer their options and platforms, each in their own way. There are very modern and sophisticated systems with large-scale tools for large companies, while there are other equally effective systems but with functionalities more focused on medium and small companies, who can invest exactly what they need, no more, no less.


Whatever platform you choose or in which you are going to invest, it is important that it meets certain characteristics that determine how friendly it is, or not, with the end user. This is the most important thing for the implementation to be a success and for the work team to adapt.


The graphical interface must be intuitive


“An intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate the software on their own, without the need to rely heavily on user guides. A well-designed user interface will make users explore on their own and find solutions quickly. This will bring trust that will lead to software dependency, and its adoption rates will skyrocket,” said an article published by PS International.




As long as your work team can be independent in the shortest possible time, so much the better. Not relying on documentation or user guides will increase productivity and increase team satisfaction.


Minimalist design


“All features and commands should be arranged so that they are visible and accessible without cluttering the screen. Some ERP software uses color coding to make it easier for users to find important information. While all vital information is necessary, a good design will help you deliver it without cluttering the user's screen. Look at the fonts, colors, and positioning of things as you evaluate a good ERP interface design,” they added in the same article.


Accessible from any device


Make sure that the ERP you are considering can be made available not only from a PC or laptop, but also from mobile devices such as tablets, iPads, and smartphones. This increases the accessibility of the system and allows staff to work in the most comfortable and timely way for them.




“A design that looks and works perfectly on a laptop screen can become difficult to work with when running on a smartphone. So be sure to check how responsive an ERP software is while running on different screen sizes and resolutions,” PS International advised.


Choosing an ERP software is not something you have to take lightly, since the success of your company's flows and processes depends on it. The last thing you want is to implement a platform that gets in the way of work and that you have to change later. Ideally, you should look for a trusted technology partner to guide you on which is the best option for your company. Need help? At Rootstack we have all the tools to support you in the projects you want to undertake.


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