When to use PostgreSQL when you are a software developer

By dbracho, 7 February, 2022




When we talk about PostgreSQL, it is an open-source object-relational database system, one of the most used today due to its easy adaptation, learning, and multiple functionalities that it offers to companies.


“PostgreSQL has earned a strong reputation for its proven architecture, reliability, data integrity, robust set of features, extensibility, and the dedication of the open-source community behind the software to deliver innovative, high-performance solutions,” the company commented. responsible for this technology on its website.


Software developers work optimally with PostgreSQL due to the various possibilities it offers, benefits that we will explain below.




When to use PostgreSQL when you are a software developer


  • The fact that PostgreSQL is open source makes it possible to use it in any type of project, be it business or personal. This allows for good scalability in projects.
  • PostgreSQL is an extensible database: if it suddenly doesn't have certain functionalities, the developer can program them or I can install third-party extensions.
  • This database has a language called PGSQL, which is typical of PostgreSQL, which allows not only to create procedures but also other programming languages ​​such as Python to create functions, which make it possible for the developer to create very specific functionalities.




  • The learning curve is very easy, because PostgreSQL follows a standard and is governed by a database standard, where many databases like MySQL, SQLServer, among others, suddenly share some kind of property.
  • PostgreSQL makes data manipulation much easier.
  • You can work with PostgreSQL in any company without worrying about any type of license.
  • Since PostgreSQL is cross-platform, you can install it on a Linux or Windows server without problems.
  • If you have a Linux server, you already save yourself the issue of licenses, as are the Windows servers that you do need a license for them.


Why use PostgreSQL?


This is how the creators of this technology explain it on their website:


“PostgreSQL comes with many features intended to help developers build applications, administrators protect data integrity and create fault-tolerant environments, and help you manage your data no matter how large or small the dataset is. (...) You can define your own data types, create custom functions and even write code from different programming languages ​​without recompiling your database”.




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When to use PostgreSQL when you are a software developer
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