What does it take to be a virtual project manager?

By lmartinez, 22 July, 2022

project manager


Since the beginning of the pandemic, remote work has gone from being a benefit of a few companies to being the most used, the norm, what all people now demand from large companies, so the position of Project manager was adapted to this over the years and now it can be executed by anyone around the world without the need to be present with their team members.


Working remotely or virtually is easy for a Project manager, there are tools such as Google Suite, Jira, Slack, Zoom, Skype and others that allow you to be in constant communication with the team and clients, in addition to being able to monitor and organize the tasks to be carried out and the deadlines to be met.


What is a project manager?


If until now the function and role of a project manager within a company are not clear, we will explain it before continuing with your virtual work modality. In Forbes, they offer a precise definition of what a Project manager is “A project manager is a key person for all the main objectives of the company through the implementation of important plans and team management. They follow a project from ideation to completion.”


“Project managers are involved in the planning, implementation, and ongoing support work for company-wide engagements. They act as important mediators between teams when something goes wrong or there is a breakdown in communication. Although project management software is helpful for a growing business, hiring someone to oversee everything and talk to people is essential for successful follow-through.”


Skills needed to be a virtual project manager


Taking into account the function and role of a project manager within a company, let's talk about its virtual modality. To achieve effective work, a virtual project manager needs to have a number of skills that cannot be underestimated.


ZipRecruiter, a portal specializing in talent recruitment, has an exact description of what they are looking for in a virtual project manager “A virtual project manager must have impeccable organizational skills because team members are often spread across time zones. He also has excellent interpersonal skills and is proficient with VoIP and other technologies that facilitate communication. A virtual PM manages an entire project, in contrast to a virtual assistant who performs specific tasks.


They emphasize that the virtual project manager will be in charge of a team whose members may be located in different parts of the world with various time zones, so time management and the hours of each task is the most important. in this person, he must be organized and be aware of everything that is done within the project or projects.


To be a virtual project manager, you must also have technical knowledge and experience in the field, this is summarized in ZipRecruiter “To pursue a career as a virtual project manager, you generally need a bachelor's degree in business administration or another subject relevant to the industry you plan to work in, such as marketing or information technology. You also need previous experience as a project manager doing planning work in an office environment.”


project manager


Benefits for the company of having a virtual project manager


Less office space


Having a virtual project manager who manages your remote collaborators is beneficial for your company's expenses since it is not necessary to invest in office space: each person is working from home or a place they decide and you do not have to provide expensive equipment. of work.


Access to talent


In the Project Manager portal, they explain “virtual project management means virtual teams, which are a great lure to attract talent beyond their region. This is how many organizations frame the importance of having virtual project management, but what is not always addressed is how remote teams also help retain that talent.”


Increases employee retention rate


By having a virtual project manager and a remote work team, you can retain your talented collaborators for longer, since today people are demanding a better balance between their professional life and their private life, so working from home is the most interesting option.


Higher productivity


According to a survey conducted by Global Workplace Analytics, “a typical employer can save an average of $11,000 per part-time telecommuter per year. The main savings are the result of increased productivity, lower real estate costs, lower absenteeism and turnover, and better disaster preparedness.”


Having a virtual project manager is necessary for any company that has a team of remote workers that needs a leader, someone who is aware that the tasks are carried out on time and that the projects are completed successfully.


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What does it take to be a virtual project manager?
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