Virtual reality could become an billion dollar market

By Anonymous (not verified), 11 April, 2017
![enter image description here]( The technological advance compromises an endless amount of benefits for all type of person and industry able to adapt its elements to the initial necessity. For technology lovers we will have the virtual reality that is defined as an environment of images or virtual scenarios that does not compromise other elements, can be visualized through special lenses that will give the feeling of being in a real environment interacting with real elements without physical sense. Nowadays not only is it used as fun, different industries have implemented virtual reality for educational topics for flight simulation in aviation, performing and visualizing operations in a virtual way in the medical area. As well as in the real estate industry investing the resources in a virtual simulator of a apartment with punctual details as an optimal element in the decision making with a tour for the possible clients in 360ยบ images. There are already many companies that have chosen to implement virtual reality in their processes as an educational means as software, they are developed to the extent able to scale when the company requires it. As an indispensable element will require special lenses to run the environments. According to ABI Research studies, total sales of VR devices will reach 110 million by 2021. With the acceptance of users to processes performed on devices, companies will have the opportunity to develop explicit tools about what it offers to customers. With 3D images you can teach the user different elements about the benefits of hiring your company.
Virtual reality could become an billion dollar market
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