The trends in e-commerce that have marked this 2023

By dbracho, 14 September, 2023



In a constantly evolving business world, e-commerce has become a key driver for the growth and success of many companies. Technology and consumer preferences change at a rapid pace, and companies that want to stay competitive must keep an eye on emerging trends in e-commerce.


In this dynamic environment, monitoring and proactively adapting to these trends has become essential to boost and maintain the relevance of online businesses. In this article, we will explain why it is crucial for companies to be aware of trends in e-commerce and what the current trends are in an increasingly digital and competitive market.




Trends in e-commerce this 2023 that can boost your business

Content generated by Artificial Intelligence

Many e-commerce companies have found support in Artificial Intelligence for the generation of content and images appropriate to their market niche. Although it has been an advantage for many, since they can create large volumes of content in a short time and with few resources, in a Forbes article they encourage leaders to use these tools in moderation, so that the content always continues to have the human essence.


“Articles and images produced by AI are quickly becoming widespread. As a result, AI-generated content marketing will explode while its effectiveness declines. To keep results moving in the right direction, discover 'that's me' messages that resonate with your ideal client on a spiritual level. Get even closer to that niche”, they recommended in the article.


“Buy now, pay later” service

“BNPL (Buy now, Pay later) service in the e-commerce space allows customers to purchase required products with easy and interest-free installments, making high-value products more accessible and affordable. They no longer require traditional credit cards or advance payments. With just a few clicks, customers can opt for the BNPL option at checkout and continue with their transactions”, they noted in an Entrepreneur article, becoming one of the most popular trends of the moment in e-commerce.




Voice search on an e-commerce platform

Today's consumers have adopted immediate gratification as a norm, to the point where many of them no longer want to spend time writing searches when searching for products on an e-commerce platform. In fact, more than 60% of shoppers choose to explore products using their voice.


“Voice search allows shoppers to find products without lifting a finger. They can effortlessly ask Google Assistant, Apple's Siri, or Amazon Alexa to perform a search on an e-commerce platform, add an item to a shopping list, or even place an order. Adding voice search to the shopping experience reduces friction during the purchasing process and makes ordering products easier for your audience”, Adobe explained in a blog.



Shopping by video or live streaming

In 2022, at least 35% of consumers purchased an item after watching a live shopping event through social networks, figures from Statista indicated, which shows that people are interested in this type of format to learn about products. and make a purchase.


Live streaming and product display via video are more effective than using images alone, giving marketers the ability to present an item's features and capabilities more effectively.


Popularity of mobile shopping grew

“The popularity of mobile shopping is at an all-time high, which is why it continues to rank among the top e-commerce trends. In 2022, 21% of mobile users accessed retail shopping apps multiple times a day and 35% interacted with shopping apps multiple times a week”, Adobe added in the same report we cited above.




Social networks boost customer conversion

Although social networks have existed for more than a decade, they have never gone out of fashion and have now become great allies of e-commerce platforms, since they make the brand known and give initial confidence, which motivates consumers when consuming. Continue researching the brand until you contact them.


“Nine out of 10 people buy brands they follow on social media. “Social e-commerce reduces the friction between discovery and conversion, simplifying one-on-one interaction and potential sales”, they explained in a Shopify report.

These trends in e-commerce not only offer exciting opportunities for businesses, but also improve the shopping experience for consumers. As we move forward into this new era of online commerce, it is essential for businesses to keep up with these trends to remain competitive in an ever-changing market.


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