A tracking system can help your clients check the status of their order

By Anonymous (not verified), 25 October, 2017
Hoy en día la implementación de la tecnología, permite que **empresas de transporte y logística** implementen **Sistemas de Rastreo** que les facilite a sus clientes ver el status de sus pedidos, realizar cambios, verificar ubicación del mismo, y obtener un histórico detallado de la localización del producto hasta que se realice la entrega. Actualmente, son muchas las empresas que trabajan con servicios de envío a domicilio, ya sea de forma física o a través de Internet, y gran parte de su tiempo lo pasan gestionando los pedidos, el stock y el envío, hacer esta serie de pasos de forma manual implica exponerse tanto a una pérdida importante de tiempo que se puede dedicar a otras labores como a la posibilidad de cometer algún error, por eso se han desarrollado **Sistemas de rastreo de pedidos** que pueden servir de gran ayuda para muchas compañías. Nowadays, the implementation of technology allows transportation and logistics companies to implement tracking systems that facilitate their clients to see the status of their orders, make changes, verify the location of the orders, and obtain a detailed history of the location of the orders until the delivery is made. Currently, there are many companies that work with home delivery services, either physically or through the Internet, and much of their time is spent managing orders, stock and shipping, making this series of steps Manual involves exposing both to a significant loss of time that can be devoted to other tasks and to the possibility of making an error, that's why order tracking systems have been developed that can be of great help to many companies. Many of these companies have already incorporated digital procedures that make a series of activities much simpler by reducing costs and increasing the profit margin, among which we can mention DHL and ZOOM, that implemented monitoring and control software allowing customers to verify a variety of details of their orders, in Rootstack, we take care of making the Management Software appropriate to the requirements and ideas of the client, focused on providing an excellent service based on retention and loyalty resources, where the main objective is to design a system where the client can access an account with a unique profile and manage the services together with availability, delivery times, ensuring the process and satisfaction to the final destination. This kind of programs are installed both in the company's equipment and in other terminals such as smartphones or tablets to facilitate access by all workers or clients according to each case, each one adapted to the specific characteristics that respond to the needs of the company itself, but in general they all keep a count of the operations that allows saving costs and time. Thus, they improve the relationship with suppliers and customers, the financial aspects and the relationship between various departments. Some of the benefits that transport companies have when they have this type of software are: - Order Management - Improves communication between the departments involved in the transport and logistics process. - Reduction of the time of the processes. - It allows customers to access the platform to verify their orders at any time, from any device where the Software is installed. - Access to online chat, among others.
A tracking system can help your clients check the status of their order
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