Top things that final users check when considering their next CMS

By Anonymous (not verified), 20 September, 2018
Picking a CMS involves time, a lot of thinking, and smart decisions. Which is why, as a final user, there are many important things you have to keep in mind when considering your next CMS. Now, a CMS is simply a content management system, meaning a platform in which you can manage, post and handle all types of content that go into a web page or web platform. Basically, every single webpage you see on the internet is handled through a CMS, and depending in what you need and what you want to achieve, you can choose a different Content Management System that fills those particular needs. ##Benefits of implementing a CMS If you are a final user considering your next move, you need to take a moment to get to know the different benefits of implementing a CMS, and such a platform can improve your business’ online presence. Investing and compromising to power up your website with a CMS is probably the smartest decision you’ll make regarding the digital aspect of your business, specially when you look at the benefits. For starters, a CMS is an extremely easy platform to use for those who aren’t familiar with the more technical aspect of creating an online platform. A good Content Management System allows all final users (familiar with tech or not) to easily move around and use the system to post and create new content. There’s also the fact a CMS allows multiple users to handle and use the platform at the same time, which of course, comes in handy when you realize how many people are behind a single website. Last, but not least, implementing a content management system allows you and any other final users to quickly change anything on your website without having to go through hours of coding. To sum it up, working with a CMS has three major benefits you’ll perceive almost right away: 1. It doesn’t require you to have a technical experience at all. 2. It allows multiple users or collaborators to join in and work on the website. 3. It supports quick site maintenance and upgrades. ##Top things to consider when picking your CMS ##Type of CMS There are two options to choose from, being open source CMS and proprietary CMS. Keep in mind, each one of these have a total different set of characteristics and which one you pick will depend on your company’s necessities. ###Open Source Content Management System: These types of CMS don’t require you any special license or premise, they are free, easy to use and can be automatically updated. However, it is possible you’ll have to pay for certain things. Although they are classified as free, you might have to pay for any technical help, customizing the software or even pay for pre-made frames and complements. ###Proprietary Content Management System: These types of CMS are way more personalized and can be adaptable to what your company needs. They are installed by a company and you must pay for several different things such as: Licenses to use the software, monthly or annual upgrades and any other customization possibles. Companies who go for this type of content management system are usually looking for big solutions that can handle the amount of clients and traffic they have. ##Consider if you really need a CMS As a company, you need to consider whether or not you really need a Content Management System to successfully develop all the projects you have in mind and ultimately reach a better online presence. Remember, a CMS is a great tool when used correctly, but if you don’t have a clear vision of what your company is after and how you’ll achieve it, a CMS won’t be able to help you do that, and your team won’t be able to use this tool as it should. ##Know your Stakeholder requirements This goes along with the previous point, like we mentioned before, a lot of people are involved in the use of a CMS, and their needs and requirements need to be taken into consideration so you can find a Content Management System that meets their needs. You need to know and prioritize your stakeholder requirements, this means taking into consideration every department involved (IT, sales, marketing, etc) and categorize the features they need in a CMS to then start looking for the perfect option. ##Look for a CMS with a enterprise support As a company, you want to pick a Content Management System that as an enterprise version or enterprise support, meaning a system that has the extra capacity, support and security your company needs. A CMS with an enterprise support usually offers a much stronger support than the one you’ll get for a regular user, assuring an overall better experience for everyone. ##Look out for Important features Different CMS offer different features, if you have followed our tips correctly, you already know what to look for based on the requirements by the stakeholders. Now, what are the important features every CMS should have? Taking a look into basic features that will come in handy to your company, you should look for Content management systems that integrate with other tools, are flexible, customizable, have a strong security system, have different content management and permissions, have content analytics and so on. Match the features of the CMS to the ones your team needs and you’ll get a pretty solid idea of which content management system is the right fit for you. ##Maintenance and updates Last, but definitely not least, a huge factor to keep in mind is who will take care of the maintenance and require updates of the CMS. This is extremely important, specially for those companies who don’t have a great knowledge in technology. Try to go for a CMS that doesn’t require constant maintenance or upgrades, and instead pick one where all of those matters (fixing bugs, taking care of the overall infrastructure) is handled directly by the CMS provider, and not you. A good Content Management System will do wonders for you and your company if you pick the right one. Remember, these tools are flexible and will adapt to what you’re looking for, so be wise, don’t waste the power of a great CMS!
Top things that final users check when considering their next CMS
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