Top nearshore software development destinations

By dbracho, 30 April, 2023

nearshore software development


US companies are increasingly seeking support from nearshore software development services to get their projects off the ground. Changes in user demand are becoming faster and companies must adjust and be flexible to adapt to them and respond to those needs of the public. And, many times, they don't have enough staff to meet those challenges.


Exploring the statistics on the nearshore software development services market, we found that the demand for software developers is expected to grow by 22% between 2019 and 2029, according to figures shared by the Gitnux portal. They also noted that India has the largest number of software developers outside of the United States, with approximately 2.75 million software developers. As a result of this data, we wonder what are the top destinations for nearshore software development services for companies in the USA?


Let's remember the basics of nearshore software development services

Nearshore software development services are based on collaboration between companies that are located in geographically close countries and share a similar time zone.


Geographical proximity allows more fluid and frequent communication between development teams and clients, which helps reduce response times and increases communication efficiency.


nearshore software development services


In addition, the shared culture and language make communication more effective and reduce the possibility of misunderstandings. Nearshore teams can work closely with clients and better understand their needs.


Development costs in nearby countries are often lower than in countries farther away, which can make nearshore development an attractive option for companies looking to cut costs without compromising quality.


Being geographically close, nearshore equipment can be easier for client companies to control and monitor. This allows them to closely monitor the progress of the project and ensure that deadlines and quality of work are met.


Nearshore software development destinations for companies in the USA

According to Statista data in 2022, more than 45% of US companies in various industries outsourced their IT and software development needs to major near-coastal destinations in Mexico and Canada, including Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Tijuana and other cities, quoted in the My Management Guide portal.


The above is already an indication of the destinations preferred by US companies, since they find talent and confidence in these countries and cities. Here we will go into more detail.


nearshore software development services



Mexico is a popular destination for nearshore software development services due to its geographic proximity to the United States and its similar culture and language. In addition, Mexico has a large number of specialized talents in areas such as software development, web design, and IT services.


“Mexico can be a great alternative to other options due to its competitive advantage. The benefits of low labor costs and proximity make Mexico an ideal close partner for US companies”, agree on the Time Doctor portal.




Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a popular destination for nearshore software development services due to its political and economic stability, highly educated workforce, and favorable labor regulations. Additionally, Costa Rica has a large pool of specialized talent in areas such as software development, software engineering, and web development.


“Costa Rica has a strong developer community, similar to what exists in Silicon Valley (...) Costa Rica's vibrant and innovative software culture has attracted many companies eager to establish development centers in the country", indicated in this article on Medium.


nearshore software development services



Colombia is an emerging destination for nearshore development due to its high quality of life, highly educated workforce, and competitive development costs. In addition, Colombia has a large number of specialized talents in areas such as software development, programming, and systems analysis.



Argentina is another popular destination for nearshore development due to its high quality of life, highly-skilled workforce, and strong tradition in technology and innovation. In addition, Argentina has a large number of specialized talents in areas such as software development, software design and IT services.


"Argentine talent is recognized worldwide not only for its technical expertise but also for its ability to solve problems and overcome obstacles in a creative and proactive way", they say in this LinkedIn article.

nearshore software development services



Brazil is an emerging destination for nearshore development due to its large size and growing economy, its similar culture and language, and its wealth of specialized talent in areas such as software development, programming, and systems analysis. In addition, Brazil has a large number of technology and IT service companies that can provide a wide range of nearshore services.


Tips for making the workflow between a company and a nearshore software provider work

  • Communication is essential to the success of any nearshore software project. It is important to establish clear and frequent communication channels between the company and the software provider. This can include regular meetings, video conferences, and regular status updates.
  • It is important to set clear expectations early on in the project. This includes establishing deadlines, the scope of the project, roles and responsibilities, and any other important requirements. Both parties must agree to these terms before beginning the project.

nearshore software development services

  • Select the nearshore software provider carefully. Consideration must be given to the supplier's experience, their ability to meet deadlines, and the quality of their work. It's important to choose a software vendor that has a proven track record of success on similar projects.
  • Establish a dedicated team of developers and specialists for the project. This will help ensure the continuity of the project and reduce the possibility of communication problems.


Do you need a nearshore software development services provider? At Rootstack, we have +12 years supporting companies in their digital projects. Contact us!




desarrollo de software nearshore
Top nearshore software development destinations for companies in the USA
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