Top 5 reasons why marketers love drupal 8

By Anonymous (not verified), 5 September, 2018
Since it first came out back in 2011, Drupal has gained huge amounts of popularity amongst global entreprises and soon enough it became the number one web content management platform in the world. Drupal itself is a powerful yet easy to use content management system, also known as a CMS that features amazing tools that helps you, as a company, to manage your website or online platform. Knowing this, it isn’t a surprise that drupal 8 caught everyone’s attention almost right away. Presenting huge changes both on a code and user experience level, enterprise marketers already loved it, and here is exactly why ##Easy integration Drupal as global platform for big, small and medium companies has realized they can’t possibly have everything together in one single software. Companies are constantly using other services to compliment their marketing strategies, services Drupal itself can’t cover. However, instead of trying to create a global platform that would replace those softwares, Drupal 8 allows for an easier integration of all of those programs into one. Thanks to Drupal 8 it is possible to merge and combine all the softwares you use for different things (emailing, analytics, content distribution and such) into a single platform. Drupal is constantly working to make integration possible with as many platforms as needed, this way, they don’t have to compete against these softwares, and you can keep using them while slowly integrating them with Drupal 8. ##Responsive Displays As technology moves forward, users are accessing online content through their mobile devices instead of their computers, which pushes enterprise marketers and companies to think of a mobile adaptation for all of their platforms. With over 49,7% of webpages views coming from mobile users, Drupal 8 is ready to offer you a mobile-ready strategy that adapts to the public’s necessities and allows your business to reach a higher number of people. Not only Drupal supports a responsive web theme that allows an easy display for mobile users but also allows the entire back-end system to be practically managed from a mobile device as well. ##Easier administration Drupal isn’t only working towards offering a better experience for users, but for developers as well, making the whole administrative aspect way easier and accessible. Drupal 8 integrated amazing features like the possibility to edit any type of content directly on page, dragging and dropping images and content preview before posting for a more accurate idea of how the page will look like. As a platform, Drupal 8 has taken intuitive administration to a whole new level, offering easy to use tools that ultimately allow the developer to work faster and better. ##Create content for different platforms This relates to reason #2. You see, as more people being to use their mobile devices to access and browse the internet, you have to create content that is relevant to them, and to that platform specifically. Knowing this, Drupal 8 makes it possible for you to create content that is targeted at different audiences depending on which devices are they using. This means you could have to completely different marketing strategies for your computer users and mobile users… And Drupal has technology to support this kind of project. ##Access to an enterprise level stability Drupal 8 has taken a very important part of Symphony’s code to incorporate nothing but the very best factors of frameworks, making its platform able to offer an enterprise level stability for all its users. This allows Drupal 8 to extend the basics functionalities of its project software and upgrades their content management system to a whole new level that’s able to give a better performance. Drupal has transformed itself into an self-sufficient, evolving platform that works hard on supporting enterprise marketers and developers by extending its features and working with already very important softwares, all in the hopes of making your job easier.
Top 5 reasons why marketers love drupal 8
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