Top 3 AWS services that you should use in your company

By dbracho, 26 October, 2022



Cloud services are in full expansion since companies have realized all the benefits they bring to all their processes, from the most basic to the most complex. Cost reduction, scalability, and efficiency are three main characteristics defining AWS services, one of the leading cloud platforms.


What is AWS?


Let's first start by defining what AWS is: its acronym stands for Amazon Web Services and it offers more than 200 services to companies, helping them increase their agility and innovation, in a technological industry that is being updated by leaps and bounds.


AWS has more services and features packed into them than any other cloud provider, offering everything from infrastructure technologies like compute, storage, and databases to emerging technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, data and analysis and the internet of things”, explained Amazon in a specialized article.




The services offered by AWS are so flexible that they adapt to companies, regardless of their size and the industry to which they belong. In addition, the AWS platform is easy to use and, if necessary, has documentation that is complete enough to understand the services and system of this cloud platform.


Top 3 AWS services for any company


There are technology partners that are certified by AWS to offer these services in the cloud, guaranteeing all possible security for your data and systems. These are the most demanded and useful AWS services:


AWS Lambda


“This instance allows you to work on an environment that is highly capable of supporting any development you do. You just take care of the coding and AWS will take care of providing the necessary resources, scaling at the same time so that everything works correctly”, they explained in an article on the ClickIT portal.


aws lambda




  • Serverless and event-based computing service
  • It allows executing code for any type of application or service
  • You only pay for what you use


AWS Amplify


It is one of the most used AWS services by companies and development teams, since it allows the development and implementation of mobile and web applications based on the cloud, enjoying the security, scalability and flexibility that the cloud offers.


AWS Amplify is a complete solution that enables front-end mobile and web developers to easily build, ship, and host full-stack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to take advantage of the breadth of AWS services as their needs grow. use cases evolve. No cloud experience necessary,” AWS detailed in his documentation.


aws amplify




  • It allows to create a backend easily
  • Using the Amplify libraries, you can connect your app to the new backend
  • You can easily deploy your app with the AWS Content Delivery Network (CDN)


Amazon EC2


If you are already tired of physical servers, Amazon EC2 is the best option on the table. “Using Amazon EC2 eliminates the need to invest in hardware up front, so you can develop and deploy applications faster. You can use Amazon EC2 to launch as many virtual servers as you need, set up security and networking, and manage storage", explained in the documentation.


amazon ec2




  • Reliable and scalable infrastructure on demand
  • A secure environment for your applications
  • Optimize performance and costs


What are AWS pricing like?


One of the most striking aspects of AWS services is that companies only have to pay for what they are using. “AWS offers pay-per-use pricing for the vast majority of cloud services. With AWS you only pay for the individual services you need for as long as you use them, without long-term contracts or complex licenses", detailed in an AWS article.


This modality allows companies to save budget and, at the time of increasing use, the costs are also very competitive compared to the competition of cloud services.


Now that you know some of the most demanded AWS services, you can evaluate which of these options is most useful for your company. At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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