Tech partner: Factors to consider before choosing

By dbracho, 13 August, 2021



Choosing a technology partner is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are many factors that must be previously evaluated to choose the correct technology provider that will transform your business and make it grow like never before.


Analyze these factors before choosing your technology partner


Is the partner communicative or too tight?


We particularly agree with the Clutch firm, which said in a report that communication is the key ingredient for the success of any relationship between a partner and a company. Knowing how to listen and understand the needs of the project is essential to lead it to success.


You as a company must feel a relationship of trust with the partner, who sees you as an ally and not as a bank account. If in the first meeting he starts talking about money, Ummm ... think twice if you are going to associate with him. Make sure the partner shows genuine interest in helping you develop your project in the best possible way, leaving the budget issue in the background.


Experience: What have been the most complex problems that the partner has solved in previous projects?


It is true that sometimes companies are dazzled by the number of technologies that a partner handles. They think that the more tools he knows, the more talent he has. But in this particular case, experience is essential in this partner since it is what can give projects quality and perspective.


Before signing the contract, ask your potential technology partner what are the most complex problems that he has had to face in past projects and how he has managed to solve them. In this way, you can assess their expertise, their ability to respond to crises and how flexible they are when plans do not develop as expected.


An inexperienced partner can certainly manage to develop a "decent" project but perhaps not with exceptional performance. He can also panic and not know how to solve a crisis, thinking that it is the end of the world. An experienced partner will know how to set priorities and create an action plan for any unexpected scenario.




Innovation: Does the partner think outside the box?


Being resourceful is necessary to advance in digital projects: many times the plans we have on paper do not turn out as we expect and then we must change our strategy. A partner who thinks outside the box will be very helpful in bringing new ideas and ways forward when necessary.


Sometimes, certain partners get frustrated when one of the stages of the project is not achieved as expected, leaving their minds blank and without perspective to find new routes to get the job done.


Make sure that the partner you choose is not afraid of challenges: as we challenge ourselves, we will be able to innovate, raising the standard of work and the quality of the projects developed. Innovation is vital in the world of technology, as it enables processes to be modernized and adapted to new opportunities and market demands.


Work methodology: How do they plan their processes and projects?


Even if a partner swears to you that they are the best at executing the projects, you better make sure of the methodology and procedures that they follow to develop them. Many will say that the important thing is the results, but it is just as important to have optimal planning of each stage of development, to ensure the quality of the product, and to prevent any kind of error.


Imagine that the partner does not follow a defined schedule and that at the end of the project an error arises that nobody knows how to solve. If the project had been executed in an organized way, it would be easier and faster to identify the kind of issue that arises according to the stage of development.


Working with agile methodologies, for example, guarantees the orderly execution of tasks divided into sprints, allowing developers and engineers to better manage their work times and addressing issues one by one.


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Factors to consider before choosing a technology partner
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