Strategies for successful software development

By dbracho, 7 June, 2021



Quality and efficiency in software development are essential. Although the client needs a team of developers on their side who work in an agile way, the tasks have to be executed within a strategic planning to maintain optimum quality and guarantee the success of the entrusted project.


Why is software development so important? Simply because it has a decisive influence on the lives of all users of websites and mobile applications. “Technology shapes every journey a consumer makes before buying. Expand purchases and services ”, they emphasize on the Tiempo Development portal, seeing the influence that technology has on today's businesses.


Today, for a company to capture the attention of its target audience, it must have an optimal online presence that can only be obtained with successful software development. Next, we will talk about the most important strategies to apply when leading the development of a website or an application.



software development


Strategies for successful software development


Before starting software development, you must be clear about the requirements for such development. The work model to follow will depend on that, experts explain on the ScienceSoft portal. For example, if a simple, basic application is to be developed, using widely known technology, then a linear development style can be applied, in which start-end and budget deadlines are set from the start.


On the other hand, if the project to be developed will be prone to changes and challenges, then the development process can be iterative, evaluating at each stage the requirements that are needed in the project.


Regardless of the type of software development, these strategies will contribute to the success of the project:


Ask yourself: Will you need outsourcing help?


If software development involves a lot of work and exceeds operational capacity, consider hiring an outsourcing service that collaborates with employees in-house. This collaboration can be very effective to execute the work in an agile way, meeting the necessary deadlines and adding even higher quality to each stage of the project.


Employ agile development methodologies


There are different methodologies used to guide software development. They are included in the "Agile model" and three of the most effective are the Scrum, Lean and Extreme programming methodology. Each one has certain steps to follow and a particular work philosophy, but all have the objective of reinforcing teamwork, communication, as well as development planned in stages.




Divide the project into several parts


Although sometimes the product is usually shown to the client once it is finished, a more effective strategy would be to divide the project into deliveries, showing progress of the product to the client so that they can evaluate its development and confirm if it adjusts to what they need and requested in the beginning. . This avoids many problems and inconsistencies in software development.


"Plan" mistakes


According to Casey Ellis, founder of Bugcrowd, before and during software development you should always anticipate errors that may appear in the process, to be prepared with solutions to mitigate them and not delay the work.


Track progress


It is necessary to create a list of indicators to measure the progress of the project, recommends the Radix portal. In this way, the developer can see how it evolves in real time and make the necessary adjustments so that the workflow does not stop in case of a problem.


software development


Beta testing to fix bugs


One way to ensure the quality of the project is by testing a beta version of it, before the product is released to the public or delivered to the customer. This beta can be evaluated by a team from the company. It can then be reviewed by a group of real users, allowing them to interact with the platform. Thanks to these actions, errors will be identified, they will be corrected, to finally deliver the product to the customer with a quality guarantee.


Developing software involves many complex tasks, for which a multidisciplinary, organized and highly experienced team is needed. What we can assure you is that any development, be it a website or an application, will give your company an incomparable boost in the digital world.


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