Speed ​​is becoming the coin of success

By Anonymous (not verified), 1 July, 2017
![enter image description here](https://cms.rootstack.com/sites/default/files/blog/img/migracionhero.jpg) The performance of each website is a decisive element to users, according to studies **57% of users leave a site after 3 seconds.** [(Source)](http://blog.smartbear.com/web-performance/the-cost-of-poor-web-performance-infographic/) Users' demands on system load times, answers to user concerns and ease of use will play a crucial role in the success of their business tools. Each system must be focused on **objectives and end-user**. With the rise of new trends in technology and companies involving their resources, competitiveness has been implemented on the **speed of things.** If your company has optimal response and load times, you will get successful tools about your competition. It will be able to improve the speed with its **APIs** as a key to access certain functionalities when using a web service helping to make your company more agile and respond better to the demands of the market. Each system or strategy must have the purpose of satisfying customers, highlight among the competition, give specific tools to employees and improve internal processes. When using a broad system flow, it is necessary to implement adequate tools for the optimal organization of each information management. ---------- With a extensive scope an **API or *application programming interface*** is composed of a **set of standards** capable of performing communications between different elements of the systems depending on what is required and type of information needed . The main function of developing an API is to implement within a web solution processes and functions of the different software without the need to do it separately. This implementation will help in the **speed** in which each action is executed and the **uniformity** of the information. With it, you'll be able to **reduce maintenance costs** and **generate new opportunities** with your customers by increasing the sales and traffic of each system. With an API you will make your systems respond to queries in **optimal time**, avoiding long searches of information about unconnected systems. The use of APIs within companies has become more common over the years, it is now possible to connect social networks with websites, accounting systems with CRM and functions tailored to systems designed for an end shared. The benefits of **access keys** can be checked immediately, the loading speed before each new query or section of a tool will achieve the satisfaction of its users thus improving its **service and structuring processes with the help of technology.**
Speed ​​is becoming the coin of success
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