Software outsourcing trends to keep up during 2019

By Anonymous (not verified), 14 December, 2018

software outsourcing


The year is finally coming to an end, and as 2018 is ready to leave us, we prepare to welcome 2019 and all the software development outsourcing trends that will mark the upcoming year.


We already have a blog talking about the software outsourcing trends that marked and defined 2018, just in case you want to take a look back into the many different trends that defined the market this year.


But now, it is time to look into the future and prepare ourselves for what’s to come, because if one thing is for sure, the software outsourcing market isn’t going anywhere any time soon.



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What the future holds for IT outsourcing services

According to a study made by Computer World, IT jobs will grow up to 22% by 2020, which means, more people will be involved in software development, contributing to the overall growth of the current market.


Furthermore, according to a report made by Statista, the IT outsourcing services market is expected to grown from 987 US billion up to 1034 US billion in 2019, reaching a peak that has never happened before.


Taking these statistics into consideration, the future of software outsourcing seems bright, with more and more companies deciding to outsource their software development processes every day, and with even more offshore and nearshore companies emerging, we’ve got a lot of good things to come during the next couple of years.


Now that we know what the software development outsourcing market has in store for all of us, it is time to look at the trends that will take over the IT outsourcing services market the upcoming year, and these are:


1: Blockchain technology

Back in 2013 when Bitcoin really became popular, the technology behind the cryptocurrency was what really surprised us all, and now, years later, developers are still interested in applying this particular technology to other things.


For those who don’t know, the blockchain technology is based on a peer-to-peer interconnected network that holds and stores data that can’t be modified, erased or stolen by anyone.


Thanks to the use of blockchain technology the need for a central entity that controls everything is gone, which allows big scale transactions to be done in a much faster, secure, and effective way.


So yes, although Bitcoin might be losing popularity during the upcoming year, the blockchain technology behind the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, surely isn’t.


software outsourcing


2: Mobile apps and mobile development

We have actually talked about this before in a previous blog, in which we mentioned how mobile development is the future of software outsourcing, and turns out, we were not wrong.


According to a study made by statista, it is expected that by 2022, consumers in America will download over 30 billion mobile apps, and with over 4 billion people already having access to the internet via a mobile device, it makes sense that mobile applications will stay on trend during 2019.


Not only that but the increasing use of smartphones will continue to push brands and companies to develop software solutions that adapt to this device and this specific type of public.


3: Cybersecurity

We have also talked about the importance of cybersecurity and having a good antivirus system to protect your software solution before, which you can check out here.


In that blog we talk about the reasons why websites keep getting hacked and what you can do in order to prevent this from happening. Well, it turns out thanks to the increase of cyber attacks in this past year, cybersecurity will become a huge trend during 2019 due to companies (big and small) wanting to protect their online platforms.


It is expected that companies from all over the world will look further not only to outsource their software development processes but to look for a security solution that protects their platforms.


software outsourcing


4: Implementation of Progressive web apps

Along with the mobile development app trend, progressive web apps are probably the most popular trends of 2018 that we will continue to have during the upcoming year.


This is due to two main reasons: One, progressive web apps are low cost and easy to implement, and two, they are a great alternative to mobile app development for small and medium companies who don’t want to invest on a mobile application just yet.


Of course, mobile app and progressive web app are two different things. One is a native mobile application and the other simply allows a website to adapt to any mobile device screen. If you would like to know the difference between these two types of software solutions and find out which one is the best one for your company, check out our previous blog about it, here.


5: Artificial Intelligence

Last, but definitely not least, Artificial Intelligence remains as one of the top software outsourcing trends of the upcoming year, even after being such a popular trend this 2018.


It is expected for companies to start adopting more artificial intelligence applications during this 2019 to help them automate certain processes, although the presence of chat box and artificial assistants will continue to be the selected form of AI this upcoming year.


Of course, companies are expecting to use this technology to enhance customer experience and allow their clients and users to get access to the support they need at any given time or moment.


software outsourcing


Although Artificial intelligence, mobile applications and cybersecurity will be the spotlight of 2019, there are other software outsourcing trends we can’t simply stop mentioning.


First, it is expected for companies to continue to outsource their software development process to Latin America, meaning the use of Latin America software developers will grow during 2019, maybe even surpassing Asia for the very first time in years.


Of course, as the latin america software outsourcing market grows, it is except for nearshore solutions and nearshore companies to become more popular during 2019, with more companies choosing to work with nearshore developers instead of offshore or inhouse ones.


Last, but definitely not least, countries like Panama and Croatia will be considered as one of the top software outsourcing destination this 2019, making their way up to the list of top software outsourcing countries.


Without a doubt the world of IT outsourcing services has a lot prepared for us in this upcoming year, and we cannot wait to see it all unravel as new technologies begin to show up!

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Software outsourcing trends to keep up during 2019
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