Software development trends in 2023 to take into account

By dbracho, 14 March, 2023

software development


It is important to take into account the trends in software development because the world of technology is constantly evolving and new trends can offer new opportunities, benefits and solutions to current problems.


By staying on top of trends, software developers can adapt their skills and knowledge to keep up with new technologies and tools, allowing them to deliver better solutions to their clients and employers.


In addition, tracking trends can also help predict future market needs and plan software development accordingly, which can increase a company's efficiency and competitiveness in the future.


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Trends in software development that your business can take advantage of in 2023


Adoption of “low-code” development

Sometimes the software development cycle can be a bit of an ordeal: a long, tedious, bug-ridden, and costly process. That is why many companies have decided to develop software in a simplified way under the "low-code" style.


“As the name suggests, software development in this way does not use advanced IT knowledge or coding skills. Low-code and no-code development can mean easier and faster development. Codeless platforms allow users to drag and drop blocks of prefabricated code into a visual interface”, they explained in this regard in an Exploding Topics article.


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Automation and Machine Learning

Automation of the software development process and the use of machine learning algorithms to improve software quality and reduce development time are growing trends. This trend is expected to continue and deepen in the coming years.


software development


“At the end of 2022, powerful AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney have amazed us with their creative potential. The emergence of such tools is slowly changing the debate on AI and software development alike. While previously focused primarily on reassurance that technology poses no risk to the creative work of artists, musicians, writers, and even programmers, the global community is beginning to take notice of those risks", they delimited in an article published on the RST portal.


Cloud Computing

Software development that runs in the cloud or on edge devices like smartphones, IoT, and other smart devices will become increasingly popular in the coming years. Businesses are looking to develop apps that run smoothly on any platform and device, which requires cross-platform app programming skills and compatibility.


In the Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud Report, they surveyed more than 700 company leaders on their use of cloud computing and 89% said they have a multi-cloud strategy and at least 80% are adopting a hybrid-cloud approach. 


“Increasing use of public cloud is driving cloud spending for organizations of all sizes, and public cloud spending is now a major item in IT budgets. 37% of companies said their annual spend exceeds $12 million and 80% reported that cloud spending exceeds $1.2 million per year", explained in the report.


software development


Big Data Analysis and Business Intelligence

“Businesses collect unprecedented amounts of data and have already learned how to use it to their advantage: Big data analytics and Business Intelligence practices are being widely used in decision making across all industries. These are great practices, but they require a lot of preparation and analysis time. The latest trends in software development show that companies are learning to use observable data to further reduce the time between action and reaction and to make future forecasts”, they added in the same RST article.


Continued expansion of the Internet of Things

“Today, the Internet of Things, a vast network of connected objects that collect and analyze data and perform tasks autonomously, is becoming a reality. Thanks to the development of communication technologies such as 5G and data analysis using AI and machine learning, IoT has applications ranging from smart watches to urban infrastructure (smart cities)”, they detailed in a report by the Statista firm.


They forecast the number of IoT devices worldwide to approach 30 billion by 2030. Currently, user spending on smart home systems worldwide stands at $123 billion.


software development


Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

“These offer the ideal mix of standard website technology and the convenience of an app. Developers promote PWAs as the best of both worlds”, they indicated on the Exploding Topics portal.


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Mozilla defines Progressive Apps this way: “They are web applications that use emerging web browser features and APIs in conjunction with a traditional progressive enhancement strategy to deliver a native application—such as the user experience for cross-platform web applications".


New software development trends are an indication that the industry is constantly evolving and that companies and organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve and optimize their software development processes. Being up-to-date on this topic is essential to stay relevant in a competitive market and continue to offer effective and efficient solutions to end users.


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Software development trends in 2023 to take into account
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