Should You Be Working With Automated Testing?

By Anonymous (not verified), 22 March, 2021
**What is it?** Automated testing is all about running automatic test software into the code testing process instead of doing it manually by a developer or a QA engineer. Automated testing is done through automation tools and test scripts focused on reducing exploratory test time and improving its overall accuracy, coverage and scalability. Automated testing is a vital part of the Agile software development method. It focuses on testing code at three different levels: unit level automation, API testing, and UI. Through this software development method, companies can make the testing process quicker and more effective. **Phases of testing** *Unit Tests* These take place during the development process, before the project moves on to the testing phase. *API Tests* These happen during the integration phase and can be handled by both the dev or testing teams. Their scope depends on each project’s particular goals and functionalities. *UI Tests* These tests focus on the front end aspects of development during the execution phase and examine business logic. They are run exclusively by the testers. **When Is It Useful?** It is ideal to combine both manual and automated testing to not miss out on the specific attention to detail humans can provide. When working with extensive projects, automated testing is usually the best answer, as well as with projects that need to go over specific areas recurrently. **Its Advantages** *It can be used along with regular testing.* Projects that have already gone through a manual test phase can benefit from automated testing as well, since this method can pick up errors the manual test might have missed. *It’s great for bigger projects.* Automated testing is the perfect solution for huge projects that require the same areas to be tested over and over again, saving the company time and money. *Run tests 24/7.* This solution allows you to start running tests whenever you like and come back to see the results, reports, and insights the test has brought up. *Reusable scripts.* The scripts used in automated testing are reusable, even if the OS version changes, the scripts will be suitable for usage, allowing you to redo the exact same test as many times as necessary. ![Alt text]( **Technologies to Work With** Some of our chosen automatic tools include: * *Selenium:* an open-source tool mostly known for its regression testing. * *Ranorex:* with a great user interface, this is a go-to all-in-one testing tool. * *TestComplete:* supporting a wide range of applications, this is another amazing tool for web, mobile and desktop apps. * *LambdaTest:* one of the most recognized tools in the market today, it allows running tests across various OS, browsers and devices. **Conclusion** Don’t miss out on automated testing benefits and make sure that your tech projects are delivered with the highest quality possible. At Rootstack, our expert team of developers and testers can help you work with the latest technologies to achieve amazing results.
Should You Be Working With Automated Testing?
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