Shared hosting vs VPS

By Anonymous (not verified), 30 May, 2017
![enter image description here]( At the moment of making the decision to develop a web or mobile tool it is necessary to decide on web hosting as a service that provides the storage of different types of content to be accessible through the web by a custom server. This implementation will serve as the basis of your project being responsible for providing security to your company about possible attacks that could receive from third parties. On the requirements of the project it will be able to adapt different hosting that will change with the growth of the corporate systems. To begin with, you could implement a shared hosting, where information is shared with other domains and users within a single server, your data will be safe and only your company would have access. Within its benefits we can mention that it is cheaper on the other types of hosting being ideal for small projects where not much information is handled. It is flexible, the moment your company requires more space or a server dedicated to your domain you can make the change efficiently without complications. On the other hand, if your project is complex, you have many systems that host or have a short-term growth plan you can implement a VPS hosting or virtual private server capable of hosting any type of information in a secure way. It is scalable, you can expand its capacity when required as well as backups. It will be able to access and make changes when necessary, give limited access to its employees and have more control over the management of resources with availability in a single place in a personalized way. Selecting a type of hosting will depend mostly on the type of requirement and capacity of your systems, type of information or communication of your company. Each of the servers must be monitored in a preventive and corrective way to avoid failures and possible attacks. As technology experts at Rootstack, we will be responsible for implementing the hosting alternative adapted to your expected performance. With high security standards you will be able to check the optimal use of your information, achieving effective management of company resources.
Shared hosting vs VPS
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